I would just like to share my oppinion on the post 3 down, in witch panos put more time into submitting then he was actually in the server. situation from my perspective : our team was getting beat pretty bad, so we decided to build a fort ontop of windmill witch was still accecable through ladders, this was done in chat and discussed with alot of teammember = fun = teamplay. then panos joins the game, and out of the blue killls our 1st ladder, we in chat ask him why he did this, and that he plz wont do it again ( remember this was a team effort in witch 5 people brought ladders with them ) but well panos killls all 4 other ladders put up after it... so yes we had 1 left and decided to tk him since he wasnt listening or had no intention whatsoever to play or teamplay. and now im banned, on his request... and im dissapointed, since admins actually still listen to him, he is known throughout the crpg community as a troll, and even in this ban request threatens for admins to submit to his demands.... this is a request for me to be unbanned, since i only tkd him after more then one request for him to stop his griefing, and it was in the light of saving the tactics we had discussed throughout the whole team.
many thanks and keep up the good work.
greetings rufio
ps. panos your such a troll
direct quote form panoses post ''If my demands dont meet i shall bring hell on eu servers,and trust me u know i can do it '' are admins really even listening to people that say shit like this.... commooon have some dignety