Author Topic: Battle: Old Fort With Village  (Read 1926 times)

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Offline Zerran

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Battle: Old Fort With Village
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:44:05 am »
Edit of my first Battle map. I added a ton of cover, took out most of the archer nests, and flattened the entire map to allow cav some better mobility. I also added barriers on all the roofs so no siege ladder foolishness.

The map originally geared much too strongly towards archers, and made it almost impossible to play cav. Hopefully with these fixes it's more balanced.

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(Normally I won't make a new topic for an edit, but I didn't have this in its own topic originally, and would like feedback and a chance to edit anything before posting it in Finished Maps)

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« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 09:50:43 pm by Zerran »
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Re: Battle: Old Fort With Village
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2011, 08:47:29 am »
Looks good, but that hill still looks like archer nest :D

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Re: Battle: Old Fort With Village
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2011, 09:53:13 am »
Though you may have made it more cav friendly, I think it is still very much stacked against cav with the abundance of obstacles. I also believe most fights would happen on the center hill and few would venture out from there.

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Re: Battle: Old Fort With Village
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2011, 10:15:17 am »
Though you may have made it more cav friendly, I think it is still very much stacked against cav with the abundance of obstacles. I also believe most fights would happen on the center hill and few would venture out from there.

i was thinking the same thing

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Re: Battle: Old Fort With Village
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2011, 11:10:38 am »
It seems odd to have random pieces of fortification standing in the middle of a road, or in a village, or walls that are not protecting anything. IMO, I would centre fortifications around actual defence points, such as buildings, hills, ruins and so on. Just by looking at the pictures I get the feeling that a lot of pieces are just thrown out with little care.

Offline Zerran

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Re: Battle: Old Fort With Village
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2011, 05:44:23 pm »
Looks good, but that hill still looks like archer nest :D

This was something I took a couple measures to avoid.
1st, there is a lot of cover at the base of the hill for people running around it.
2nd, the tower actual works against the archers, obscuring LoS and making them run to change targets.
3rd, there are 2 paths up the hill that offer excellent cover. One is on the rear of the hill and has numerous siege walls along it, the other is the wall itself which, at the top, allows instant access to the top the hill.

Its still an archer nest, but hopefully these should allow other players to counter that, as long as they don't try to charge straight up.

Though you may have made it more cav friendly, I think it is still very much stacked against cav with the abundance of obstacles. I also believe most fights would happen on the center hill and few would venture out from there.

I was wondering how much those would hurt cav actually. Would it help if I removed some of the buildings/trees? I tried to place the smaller obstacles (siege walls/shields in particular) so that cav could run around them without ever slowing down, but it would be extremely helpful if some cav could actually play around with it for a few minutes and see what they think.

It seems odd to have random pieces of fortification standing in the middle of a road, or in a village, or walls that are not protecting anything. IMO, I would centre fortifications around actual defence points, such as buildings, hills, ruins and so on. Just by looking at the pictures I get the feeling that a lot of pieces are just thrown out with little care.

It might be hard to tell from the pictures, but I tried to place every piece of fortification with a purpose. Most of the siege equipment was never intended to be used for defensive purposes, but rather for offense. They're set up around places that could be used as archer nests so that infantry can get some cover between shots while trying to take out snipers.

Some of them are also set up inside archer nests to both make them a bit more defensive, but I also placed these such that they would reduce LoS and make an archer using the area have to run around to hit more than a small range of target zones.

Admittedly some of the cover is placed around areas that wouldn't be too likely to be used (primarily because its a bit out of the way), but I did this largely because I didn't want it to end up with the central bases (the village square and the fort) being easier to reach than the random ruins.

There are also a couple spots where I did this just to create a barrier (such as at the end of the main wall), or to mark the edge of the map (Because previously it was marked by giant hills, which have since been flattened, and I didn't want people playing it to get pissed about dying because they suddenly hit an invisible wall with no warning).

One of the biggest problems with the original version of this map was that it was TOO defensive. The village square had ladders going to the roofs and the fort had 2 wall corner pieces where the ruined tower is now.
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