So I have an alternate character which is an archer. Thanks to this dandy fucking upkeep patch I now have basically no gold to pay for my equipment. Not only did this patch nerf archers (again) but now I have almost no chance to even come somewhere close to the top of the scoreboards because I can't use my good load out.
Now I don't want to bitch over chadz's tunnel vision when he makes patches although I would oh-so like to. But rather come up with a somewhat solution without waiting for the upkeep to go back down.
Allow the marketplace for alt characters so I cant actually sell the loom point on this character and/or give money to it from my main. I don't know why NOT having this option would even matter. Who cares if a rich player can just supply 10 different alts fully. Let them play what they want.
Just a tip: when you go to patch something, think about the results.
For example:
Raising upkeep =
- Less heavy armor
- Less money in general for any new player.
On my main this upkeep doesn't even matter. This is just basically fucking over people with no money as is. I think about 10% of the community agrees with this patch, and 8% of that 10 are trolling.
With love,