At least in the game I mean..
I think, if there is a chance that an old character should die permanently
it is better for players to have an option, like, [Live forever but NO MORE EXP]
with the other option, [Keep getting exp and age, BUT YOU WILL DIE ONE DAY! PERMANENTLY!!!]
It may look less realistic since no human ever avoid aging.
Second though,
do you guys know Vagabond, Musashi's story? japanese manga?
There are some old masters, look so old but know the sword.
Physical ability of human being is at peak around age of 30.
So, if cRPG has to have some kind of realistic feature, how about losing stats after certain age, instead of gaining it?
and a player who has been investing WPP to only one kind of weapon type, will get bonus WPF to that weapon
as a compensation for losing stats. (like those masters in Vagabond)
Bad idea perhaps, who likes losing?