I do not know this Tennoth fellow... Uuugh, now I remember why I shortened my name to Tenne. You could even check my name if I -1 you.
On a related note, I don't know, it was unintentional, I don't even know which post I did it on, I find this method of -1 & +1ing people rather pointless so if you get one from me, you should know that I either completely disagree or agree.
In this case however, I may just have been scrolling down with my mouse in my hand leaning against my face so that I can both speak on ts to people like Bjarky and scroll down the page so I may have hit RMB.
But the second one about the comment asking why "Tennoth" -1'd you, that was intentional, for spelling my name wrong. Don't get too het up about it, if it was the awesome bar, then it would be an issue I am sure.
Explanation enough?
tl;dr in the fashion of Aemealius.
Didn't mean to, but learn to copy & paste my good man.
EDIT: I see your edit you scoundrel! The -1 stays!