Author Topic: No Trees/Bushes texture mod  (Read 4226 times)

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Re: No Trees/Bushes texture mod
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2011, 08:48:01 pm »
I *would* be cool with this, except for the fact that I currently run the Realistic Colors mod, Blood Enhancement mod, More Metal Sounds, and Sounds of Suffer mod, all of which would get me kicked.

Unless by "+ some mods" you meant to say "Minus some mods," in which case I'm fine with it.

I, of course, counted the mods as standarts textures, that you can have.
Would be a shame if implemented add-on textures mods wouldn't be allowed.
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Re: No Trees/Bushes texture mod
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2011, 11:33:43 pm »

I, of course, counted the mods as standarts textures, that you can have.
Would be a shame if implemented add-on textures mods wouldn't be allowed.

That's cool, misread you a bit there before then. But still, I feel like it would be difficult for any code in the mod to differentiate between default textures and modded ones, seeing as they use the same filenames most times. The ones that don't have edited lines in module.ini and in the textures text file. So to properly catch illegal modding you'd have to set it up to look for differences in textures by filesize maybe? But then all the cheat-modders would have to do is insert X kilobytes worth of junk data into a blank texture and make it match.

Honestly, I think its a bit too complicated an issue for any moddable game to handle. Games like Battlefield and Call of Duty can't catch texture/smoke/foliage removal packs, I don't expect this game to either. We just have to rely on the community not to be cheating douche-swallowers.
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Re: No Trees/Bushes texture mod
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2011, 01:06:55 am »
I replaced all my textures with ASCII. When I play my screen looks like the monitors in the Matrix, but the frame rate is maxed.

Seriously though, I wonder how many have transparent textures that allow them to see through walls. Sometimes I follow players and they always seem to know what is around the bend.
matrix is in binary i believe.....
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Re: No Trees/Bushes texture mod
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2011, 01:36:56 am »
matrix is in binary i believe.....

It should be, but it's not. Just loads of unicode characters iirc.

That's cool, misread you a bit there before then. But still, I feel like it would be difficult for any code in the mod to differentiate between default textures and modded ones, seeing as they use the same filenames most times. The ones that don't have edited lines in module.ini and in the textures text file. So to properly catch illegal modding you'd have to set it up to look for differences in textures by filesize maybe? But then all the cheat-modders would have to do is insert X kilobytes worth of junk data into a blank texture and make it match.

Honestly, I think its a bit too complicated an issue for any moddable game to handle. Games like Battlefield and Call of Duty can't catch texture/smoke/foliage removal packs, I don't expect this game to either. We just have to rely on the community not to be cheating douche-swallowers.

It's actually quite easy to tell wether someone has the same texture files as you want them to have. Hash the correct texture file and hardcode the result, then compare this model with the hash of the corresponding file on the local computer. Before that, make sure you got the correct file names by checking the resource listing files. But I really don't know how to force someone to run the verification program without hacking into TW's exe.

This protection would be fairly thin against any real hacker, but at least not everybody could simply replace the textures with void ones.

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Re: No Trees/Bushes texture mod
« Reply #34 on: June 30, 2011, 03:46:05 am »
So I've recently discovered that many many people have either altered their texture files by deleting the textures for foilage so they don't get blinded by it when fighting (no tree to obscure your view) or have d/led a mod file for warband that does this.

This is gay.

That is all.
Wow that is so gay. I would know about gayness too, i use to throw lances form house back but taking away leafs and grass is even gayer