"Eu server rules, No leeching :
OK: Being a bad player and getting no kills
NOT OK: Running around naked without weapon. Not contributing is leeching, naked runners don't contribute.
Breaking a rule may net you a warning, mute, kick or ban at admin discretion depending on severity of rule broken and player history (yes, repeated offenders are treated more harshly). In minor offences you usually get a written warning first, in more severe cases you might get kicked or even banned immediately.
If you ever get kicked, consider that a serious warning - you are obviously doing something wrong. If you are unsure what it is, re-read these rules and/or ask the admin in question what the kick was for in a civilized manner. If you're a hot-headed type, perhaps take a few minutes to cool off before going back to shout at the admin. Same goes for all interaction with the admins, act properly and you will most likely be received better."
Does admin have to make excuses when they enforce the rules?