Jameyyed Castle is the native desert castle in the mountains, where you have to climb several stairs from the ground to get up at the flag, and where attackers sometimes build ladder bridges along the hills on the right to get on top of the buildings where defenders can't go. This really needs a fix, and I suggest a simple ladder up from the flag area to the highest building. This way, defenders could go up there and hack the ladderbridge down.
Banok was talking about Hailes Castle, the castle from native with the two roofed wall segments at each side of the gate tower, one of which has a hole blown in supposedly by catapults. I agree with him, that once the portcullis is open, the map is basically over, because the attackers can just rush the gatehouse, and the defenders have no chance to close the gate, because the winch is located on the ground level, where attackers rush by. Defenders have a real chance to hold it for 6-7 minutes, though, if they camp the gatehouse.