Author Topic: Retire at 30, heirloom at 31.  (Read 1125 times)

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Retire at 30, heirloom at 31.
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:14:04 am »
I am a bad whiner, or that is, the whine is probably as good as any with cheese, but I have no real threats. I am unable to use OPENGL DOOMHAX and have absolutely no experience with such advanced programming. Neither can I threaten to leave the mod as honestly... who gives a flying fuck.

What I can do is to provide reasons why I think that it would greatly benefit cRPG that players would be able to respec their character before lvl 31.

First and foremost I believe it to be a great idea to limit the amount of heirloomed items and nerf the amount as has been suggested. But retirement has another function, that of a respec, and I know from personal experience that many a noob has used it as such. (yeah I'm a noob hurr durr)

I have one primary argument why respec should be possible before lvl 31:
By limiting respecs to 31, new players are stuck with their failed builds, hell with the "c" bug ingame many players have unwillingly messed up their builds. Being unable to respec is only an advantage to the most hardcore players of the mod. Only those close to the devs would know precisely after each patch what direction their build would take them.
New players as well as nubs try things out. And they make mistakes and they learn. No reason to punish them with a grind so hard as 8,8 mil xp.

And no... I do not believe the soft cap should be changed, neither the option to heirloom before 31. Just an option to respec.

(Puts a curse on any troll attacking this thread)

Just found this through the smart search function I learned existed on this forum... internetz is smart:

Quote from: chadz
I might add a "weak" retirement without a level requirement - it just resets your xp and level to 0.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 01:48:18 am by Aemaelius »
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Re: Retire at 30, heirloom at 31.
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 01:23:25 am »
I think this is a great idea.  It accomplishes a perfect balance for both people who just want to respec to try out new characters, and people who want to grind extra hard for a small benefit.

In the past I mainly retired for the purpose of trying out a new build, I've gone from 1h+shield to pole, to horse, to throwing and back to horse+throwing. Retiring for the hierloom was a neat plus, but for people like me the main attraction was trying new builds while being able to keep all my items.

I know you can just make a new character to try a new build but you are still limited to your main dude being linked to strategus.

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Re: Retire at 30, heirloom at 31.
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 01:25:29 am »
I like to live with my mistakes, and use them to adapt my gameplay.

If you click something by accident, it's unfortunate, but it won't make much difference overall. Make a choice and stick with it!

If you've gone down a route (archery for example (I am an archer and proud!)) and decided you don't like it or you feel it's underpowered, then tough. Reroll... you be at level 20 again in a couple of days! As you mentioned, it's the new players that make mistakes, and if they are new, then starting over isn't so bad!

Offline Tristan

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Re: Retire at 30, heirloom at 31.
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2011, 01:30:43 am »
I like to live with my mistakes, and use them to adapt my gameplay.

If you click something by accident, it's unfortunate, but it won't make much difference overall. Make a choice and stick with it!

If you've gone down a route (archery for example (I am an archer and proud!)) and decided you don't like it or you feel it's underpowered, then tough. Reroll... you be at level 20 again in a couple of days! As you mentioned, it's the new players that make mistakes, and if they are new, then starting over isn't so bad!

First and foremost... your cursed...

Secondly, you character name might be tied to strategus, and you might have a heirloomed weapon you want to keep. Either way, a respec is needed not a new char.
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Offline Beans

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Re: Retire at 30, heirloom at 31.
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2011, 01:34:27 am »
I like to live with my mistakes, and use them to adapt my gameplay.

If you click something by accident, it's unfortunate, but it won't make much difference overall. Make a choice and stick with it!

If you've gone down a route (archery for example (I am an archer and proud!)) and decided you don't like it or you feel it's underpowered, then tough. Reroll... you be at level 20 again in a couple of days! As you mentioned, it's the new players that make mistakes, and if they are new, then starting over isn't so bad!

I don't get it.  What is the down side to letting players retire at 30? Just telling them to 'deal with it' doesn't really make any sense.