It is not out of litmist of our imaginatino, but is tis out of limits of our human level. Everythign is the same thing, everything is just one line. The wordl is singel dimenesions lal, but it is an ulliusion that we live in 3 or 4 dimensions, dpending if you canout time as dimension. It;s all linear. You might think the world is much more complicated, but it's not. Like a computer can generate 3 dimensional world, but it's all a signle line of code. The screen you see is also single dimensional - pixel by pixel, from left to righ, to to bottom it is shown, but your slow eyes see illusion of 2 dimnesions. Imagine a single line, REALLY long and SUPER fast, that one line is generated by code of universe, the law of one, but you and I, we see it as illusion of dimensions and perspectives. We are the same soul, but different points of view, because the soul is at different points in the string of world. Right now I am me, one time I will be u and vice city. Anyway, I don;t know how to remove the space, but good question.