When I was young boy going to the gym there were two guys lifting ton of weights. One was pro bodybuilder, had the looks and was able to lift ton of weight. The other one was a lot shorter, fat, build like fucking rhinoceros but he lifted the most weights in the entire gym. First dude looked decent but I never could understand what was second dude trying to achieve. I guess thats called powerlifting...
Panos, you go to the gym to shape your body into something that looks better in order to be more appealing to other people. Thats the entire point of the gym. In order to achieve that you need to lose 30 kg. Start running, dont just lift weights like a madman. Otherwise your heart wont be able to take it for much longer. Lifting weight isnt exercise for the heart, cardio training is and you are clearly doing zero cardio.
When we first met I was looking considerable fatter than you but right now I look like a stick in comparison. Doing old school training myself so I am not cmp kind of build. Not going to the gym mostly because of gym culture and the fact it stinks of special kind of sweat.