Just another passing thought....BUT What if everyone from cRPG (from all regions) came to sleep over at your house? How would you accommodate them? Rules and Conditions!
1. No "Kicking" someone off your property, they have to stay on it, whether it be your house or the lawn or whatever...
2. No "Forcing of Labor", you cannot ask someone to mow your lawn. However, you can mention that they could want to help you, E.G "Knowing how helpful Yeldur is, I asked him to scrub the toilets for the Greater Good!"
3. Just You: You'll be excluding roommates/family/friends/some other who typically lives with you. Unfortunately, your pets will have to remain in the facility (but you can always drop them off with a relative). Or let them be trampled, whatever suits you!
4. You cannot magikally create anything, just look around the house to see how you'd be able to accommodate everyone at the very moment.
So there you go! Basically, you can choose who/whom sleeps where, who eats this, who gets to sleep on the floor and who gets to sleep on the bed, what kind of party you'll have, etc!
I'd ask you all to be polite, but knowing our community.... eh.
Any questions? Ask away!