Author Topic: Npc players and their thought patterns  (Read 365 times)

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Npc players and their thought patterns
« on: February 19, 2019, 11:21:42 pm »
This article you are reading is deep investigation of archetypical thought patterns of normies like u(%85 chance) who have posted their suggested in this very board.

There is a  certain apparent similarity of suggestions have made so far.No doubt,no one will deny "nerf archers,two handed etc.","add magic to the game","add easier levelling","add single player" seeing somebody write one of those,or wanting himself one of those to be implemented.

Unique demands does not bother us,such ass "add lord of the rings shit","add flag carrier and new mod etc",vice versa this article deals with commonly suggested individualistic looking aforementioned robotic thought patterns.

Why?why?why?humans mind work as the same way?We are ppl all around the world entering this shitty mod,why we dont have our own different solution approaches?Education system and traditions etc.,are different in russia and poland.Can anyone explain why uther and some other russian normie have same thoughts,without even commencing into an dialogue,they can be in consensus.Their brain is like pantheist god,coexist in everyplace at once.

In conclusion,I believe we as humans and you as normies has no will ,we all are npcs.Le me gimme an example of this,if you have read this far,you are curious and you will not stop reading until the end,i will continue ending,now i want you to stop reading this if you are not a robot.Stop right here.And prove that you are not a robot and can give your own choices.

Sigh,knew you wouldnt stop,cuz you are just another robot,that has no will,wanna try again?ok stop rn.
See you have no choice,you are locked,you are a computer software that registers information,you are a npc realize it.

In conclusion,like all ppl who has shared dumb archetypal suggestions,the reader of this post is a robot as well,cuz he cant stop reading this,writer of this post is a robot too,i am not excluding myself from computer softwares.Everything in my point of view already determined million years ago.Its like we are a components of a clockwork.We tick and tack.

(I believe cassi's being trap has been determined 1000000 years ago ,even before dinasours her future of being a trap was determined by some forces unknown to us,and by some reasons alien to us).
« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 11:26:46 pm by Yuhmaz »