My PR rep is going to kill me, but I thought I would point out a few inconsistencies.
1. The screenshot is pointing towards EU servers, I'll just leave it at that.
2. It's extremely easy to DDoS someone. I expect someone from your country to know this as most botnets originate from YOUR region. You can rent the damn farm for cents on a dollar.
3. Multiple tools to get IP addresses, we'll think about it this way. Your data packets are consistently communicating, you have the tools to see your own outbound traffic and what it connects to.
4. I'm not even sure if OP is referring to DDoS the server or themselves, but both would be very easy.
5. You fucking leave Skype out of this!
6. Changing IP addresses is not practical in any form.
Disclaimer: I have no idea where Yeldur is from, but I'm assuming somewhere that smells
I'm confused now because you say that botnets originate from where i'm from yet then proceed to say you don't know where i'm from
plz can u calrify
Also ur wrong bud I have over 30 years of experience in the field and I am a professional so everything i posted right there is 100% correct and i refuse to believe anyone else so FUCK ur face
wheres ur experience huh? yteah thats right u aint got NONE i am a aAMSTER professional IT prfoessional
Your point for the first one is that Hancock is ddosing EU servers? Possibly? But not really any way to know, I can show screenshots of when I saw high ping on EU servers, but that issue still came down to my ISP being a pile of shit. Posting a picture of a list of servers does nothing but say "I have high ping" - To know where it's going wrong you'd need to find out what's causing the high ping, is it down to packet loss? is it down to shitty internet? is it down to servers having issues? there's a billion and one things it could be hence why the screenshot is completely pointless.
For the second point yeah you're right, but I was talking about the claim that Hancock is the one doing the Denial of Service attack, not paying somebody else to do it for him.
You're right that you can see your traffic and where it lands at, but that doesn't give you the IP address of somebody else who has nothing to do with the connection between you and that server (Unless there's something else that marks down all the IP addresses of other people you're connected to a server with, I don't know much about that side of things), it gives you the IP address of whatever you're connecting to. For example if I connect to EU_1. Another place that he could have potentially gotten his IP is actually from the forums as they're definitely available to view here for Admins. Even you can see your IP address next to all your posts. One screenshot is all that would be needed.
Ok yeah fine I'll concede that they're easy to LEARN to do, but not easy to actually PERFORM effectively.
Not if you're using a VPN
- In which case you can just schedule automatic IP changes. Won't stop the attacks 100% but it will make them a darn sight harder for someone to do, particularly if they're some script kiddie.