I am here on behalf of Avenge to submit an unban thread for him, he has requested me to do this and so I have chosen to do so with consent on his part. He has given me a speech that he has spent time writing for us:
Much like albert einstein, I did nothing wrong, and I am here to spread the knowledge of the injustice I faced recently. Recently I posted nude photographs of one player in C-RPG called "Cassi" - this person has been shared numerous times on the Krems WhatsApp group and after an argument with Cassi about how i need to stop being racist even though Cassi is a cuck I chose to post this photographs in a fit of anger and rage, not knowing that this would get me globally banned, I expected a forum perma ban and am unhappy that I was globally banned without even being spoken to, hence I would like to request a hearing of some kind in which I am allowed to defend myself, I don't believe that posting some pictures online even though they are readily available online is wrong, I didn't even know they were Cassi's nudes, so that means you can't ban me, because I had no knowledge of the crime I had committed. Nah I'm just joking, but in all seriousness I believe I need to be unbanned as this community is already dying/dead. Would you kill einstein if it meant the SS would die? Would you kill him if it meant chocolate chip cookie Germany fell? No. I don't think so.
Yours sincerely, Avenge