We might not agree on all points, but I understand your point of view.
Agree to disagree. Can definitely agree that some of this comes down to individual play style, though.
If i see a GLB feint thrusts towards me i'll just spam because theres no way i could possibly take enough damage from it that wouldnt be made up with a succesful hit from my swings.
Feints in general aren't as useful against aggressive players. But when someone "spams" when I'm feinting a stab, I just cancel it into a block; the glance is only a potential problem if you release the animation far enough or if you're not positioned correctly.
GLA was one of my primary weapons back when Aus was active, but I would have hated it without the stab, even though I rarely actually released a stab on someone. Like Jona said, it's great for feint patterns, and with polearms it morphs into the right swing so well.