Author Topic: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.  (Read 5944 times)

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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2011, 01:04:48 pm »
There is no point arguing with assholes.

Thanks for your constructive input! I can tell you like to give back to the community!

Prime, make another thread, and for god sakes don't chirp anyone. I know you feel like you have been wronged but just consider what someone  thinks when they read a thread that calls them out, now consider what if that person was deciding to unban you.....know what I'm sayin

Also, in the future, take into consideration the fact that there are people who have tremendous influence in the community. For instance, let's say chadz was in Garguro's position, right now instead of posting on the forums, you would be playing native. Hate it or Love it, this mod is resting on the backs of a select few, and without them this mod ceases to exist, these forums disappear. Regardless if you hate that fact it exists and there is nothing you can say or do that can change that, so the best that you can do is try and move on, get unbanned, and try and enjoy the mod for what it is. Also, in the event that you do get unbanned, please, please, please try and be cautious of who you chirp at, I get angry sometimes just like any other player, and what I find works best, is to just quit the game for a short time. If someone starts chirping me, and It's just not a good day for me, I just quit and go play some Half-Life 2 for a few minutes, then come back and try again.

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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2011, 01:06:47 pm »
There is no point arguing with assholes.

What? Noticed the topic? Counter Dicks!
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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2011, 01:26:43 pm »
What? Noticed the topic? Counter Dicks!


And i am not banned yet nindur.
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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2011, 01:28:54 pm »
I meant that in reply to prime.

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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2011, 02:05:57 pm »
PRIME: Im not sure, but doesnt Garguro have the server rental contract for NA servers? I havent asked him, but I think he does, so ultimately, if he doesnt want you there, your NOT THERE Prime, this isnt a democracy, its not a public RIGHT to play crpg either. Brownnose him if you have to, but sticking to your guns and calling him out probably wont shame him into unbanning you, his word, I believe, IS law, so you can go play native with a sense of burning injustice, or just stfu, expose your anus and hand him the lube. And then play CRPG some more. I have had to bite my tongue to avoid permaban before on many servers, just cause someone is wrong doesnt mean they have to graciously bow out: Im not taking anyone's side, but arguing with an absolute monarch used to get your head on a pike, now it just gets you a ban.
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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2011, 02:17:52 pm »
I havent really noticed much admins abusing their powers yet. It might happen, I dont know, but the fact that this topic exists is proof that some people are having the feeling that admins are somewhat abusive with their powers. (whether thats correct or not) So, everyone stop the namecalling and admins try to think about what image of yourself as an admin you are creating in the players. Also, why are you an admin? is it to help out the community? make an as good as possible cRPG experience for everyone on the server? or is being an admin just an e-peen extension for you? (if you answered yes on the last one, plz gtfo)

Anyway, I think most (if not all) the admins are here to help us all, stop griefers and intentional tkers and basically do good deeds for the cRPG community. I also believe that none of the admins are childish brats who get into silly arguments with trolls, so if some of them managed that some time, it must have been in a very weak moment and will most likely never happen again.

Also, if someone gets in a situation where an admin is abusing his/her powers repeatedly, fraps is a good program to get it all documented and actually have proof in the removal of the admin. (without video its hard for other to take a stand on the situation, and to remove an admin you really need to have some solid facts. also if there actually are seriously abusive admins out there, they should be removed asap)
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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2011, 04:09:14 pm »
I havent really noticed much admins abusing their powers yet. It might happen, I dont know, but the fact that this topic exists is proof that some people are having the feeling that admins are somewhat abusive with their powers. (whether thats correct or not) So, everyone stop the namecalling and admins try to think about what image of yourself as an admin you are creating in the players. Also, why are you an admin? is it to help out the community? make an as good as possible cRPG experience for everyone on the server? or is being an admin just an e-peen extension for you? (if you answered yes on the last one, plz gtfo)

TBH, This thread was to point out a fallacy with 1 admin(and nindur who argued WITH the admin, both ATS). It's not to state admin abuse(though Prime and those little group there are hijacking this thread), but to tell the admins, Don't be dicks if you make a mistake. Don't know bout you, but seriously, making a mistake and then not apologizing isn't cool.(Thanks Gorath for the apology, but you should direct it to the other man).

Tis All. I think we can close this thread. The point has been discussed, and Mortymur doesn't need punishment unless this happens again(we are all humans and make mistakes).

-Case Closed.
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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2011, 04:32:07 pm »
TBH, This thread was to point out a fallacy with 1 admin(and nindur who argued WITH the admin, both ATS). It's not to state admin abuse(though Prime and those little group there are hijacking this thread), but to tell the admins, Don't be dicks if you make a mistake. Don't know bout you, but seriously, making a mistake and then not apologizing isn't cool.(Thanks Gorath for the apology, but you should direct it to the other man).

Tis All. I think we can close this thread. The point has been discussed, and Mortymur doesn't need punishment unless this happens again(we are all humans and make mistakes).

-Case Closed.

I don't mean to hijack, I assumed that people with similar issues with admins would like to share and unite, I wasn't aware that some people like to cry injustice then spit on others injustice if you want to share your own personal experiences in similar cirumstances. I'm not totally suprised though, your issues are over and now it's time to pick bits out of people who still have issues with some admins because it's not an issue relevant to yourself anymore.

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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2011, 04:35:39 pm »
PRIME: Im not sure, but doesnt Garguro have the server rental contract for NA servers? I havent asked him, but I think he does, so ultimately, if he doesnt want you there, your NOT THERE Prime, this isnt a democracy, its not a public RIGHT to play crpg either. Brownnose him if you have to, but sticking to your guns and calling him out probably wont shame him into unbanning you, his word, I believe, IS law, so you can go play native with a sense of burning injustice, or just stfu, expose your anus and hand him the lube. And then play CRPG some more. I have had to bite my tongue to avoid permaban before on many servers, just cause someone is wrong doesnt mean they have to graciously bow out: Im not taking anyone's side, but arguing with an absolute monarch used to get your head on a pike, now it just gets you a ban.

100% agree with you but it's should be different when you do ask this

Hey everyone, Nindur from ATS here. The days of January are flying by and we will soon be at the months end, to most of you that means little but to some of us that means it's time to make sure we have quality servers to play on.

The NA siege server, the NA 80 man, and maybe most importantly the NA strategus server require donations to keep them going this month!! So if you are able to donate I urge you to do so! Anything from 5 cents to 1000 dollars (I can dream)  helps!

Also I would like to leave you with a brief explanation of the easiest way to donate. I have overheard some people saying they would like to donate but they are weary of using their credit card or banking information online. My friends I would like to introduce you to! Paypal is the worlds foremost authority on secure Internet transactions! Trusted by every company from eBay to MasterCard paypal will take the payment from your credit card or bank account and then send the money to where ever you choose. In the event that something bad ever did happen you would be protected through paypal and depending on the situation you would usually be given your money back if it was an illegitimate transaction or scam. I have personal experience with this and I love it!

So if you can please send any donations to [email protected], and keep in mind that we depend on your donations to keep all our NA servers running for everyone to enjoy and to the strat factions: who wants to siege a castle on EU ping?! So let's get together and do this, let's keep the NA servers strong!

anyway never had any problem with Na admin, just pointing out something to grey, as for the kick, shit happen
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Sad !

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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2011, 05:03:38 pm »
I don't mean to hijack, I assumed that people with similar issues with admins would like to share and unite, I wasn't aware that some people like to cry injustice then spit on others injustice if you want to share your own personal experiences in similar cirumstances. I'm not totally suprised though, your issues are over and now it's time to pick bits out of people who still have issues with some admins because it's not an issue relevant to yourself anymore.

Sigh, read the first post. This topic was not about circumstances to a ban(or whatever), but to point out a problem with 1 admin, who didn't want to say sorry. That's why I said you hijacked it cause you started talking about OMG UNBAN ME. Also, as note: this wasn't about me, it's about someone else. I'm just a community advocate. Handle ban problems in another thread, not here. This isn't an admin abuse thread, but a Admin, please say sorry if you make a mistake, thread.
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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2011, 05:12:04 pm »
Sigh, read the first post. This topic was not about circumstances to a ban(or whatever), but to point out a problem with 1 admin, who didn't want to say sorry. That's why I said you hijacked it cause you started talking about OMG UNBAN ME. Also, as note: this wasn't about me, it's about someone else. I'm just a community advocate. Handle ban problems in another thread, not here. This isn't an admin abuse thread, but a Admin, please say sorry if you make a mistake, thread.

AFAIC, an admins behaviour has EVERYTHING to do with my ban, and no I haven't said OMG UNBAN ME. I've been asking the admin in my case to own up, just as you've been asking one to apologise, ok fine I won't post anything else in this thread if it pleases you so.

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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2011, 05:20:43 pm »
Someone got kicked for beeing a poor teamplayer? I love it, keep it up.

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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2011, 07:09:21 pm »
This thread is so stupid.  All of you need to calm down, apologize, and move along.  I can't believe this sort of crap happens in this day and age.  I will have to become a sociologist and find out what it is about the internet and crowds that make people so bloody retarded.

Nindur & others, if you did something wrong you need to man up and admit it, and stop with the "its not your right to play on the servers" comments, that isn't helpful.  You've been given a lot of responsibility by being admin, and you are supposed to use that power appropriately and not get inflated with your own ego.

To the mob: stop whining, raging, trolling, and crying.  If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't.  And post in the proper sections, there is a whole subforum for unban requests.  Stop the stupid e-drama garbage, it just makes you look dumber.
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<abearirl>crtlaltdel shut up | you are the worst | sperglord | i hate you so much | if i could ban goatee or ban you | i'd ban you
<Wylker|work>man if i was locked in a bunker with einstein, stalin, and CtrlAltDelete and had a gun with only 2 bullets | I'd shoot CtrlAltDelete twice

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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #43 on: January 24, 2011, 07:26:14 pm »
Wow, this whole thread is like an episode of Dallas or something! Awesome stuff! Have no idea who any of you are, since i only play on EU, but i think i will join the NA servers - just to feel as a part of a colossal drama!

Let me just find my cowboy hat... pretty sure i got one on New Years night.

( no sarcasm btw, i am genuinely intrigued by wtf is going on on NA servers )
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 07:27:20 pm by Armpit_Sweat »
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Re: ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2011, 07:37:26 pm »
Ctrl is right.

Folks need to chill. It was just a kick. The admin could apologize, but the players could also avoid placing themselves in precarious situations where admin is unsure of the player's intent.

For what its worth, mortymer is a decent guy with a good track-record for Server admin.

Over a Hundred people play on the NA servers daily and don't get kicked or banned. They're there to play the game. If everyone did the same we wouldn't need to be so on alert for behavior which can be construed as improper, or not helping.

Let me ask you this; have you ever seen a Hockey or Football referee apologize to any player for his call on a penalty? Even if the replay shows him wrong?  :wink: :mrgreen:

Have you seen what happens to a player who argues or insults the referee after he is penalized? He gets an additional 5 minutes or game suspension! Oh the horror! The injustice!  :mrgreen:

Anyways, chill people. Play the game the way its meant to be played, avoid the trolling and arguing, and you'll be playing this mod uninterrupted.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 07:42:51 pm by Gash »
CRPG NA Server Admin