You guys will never learn.
Just because someone is being annoying to you in the chat, doesn't justify kicking that person out. Or banning them.
Just because said person says that they don't care about a ban doesn't make the person who unjustly banned them free of responsibility.
However, Xesta, you're being an extraordinary cunt and I am not in the least surpried that some people get fed up with you and poll to remove you.
I'VE NEVER BEEN BANNED FOR TEAMKILLING ON PURPOSE IN ALL MY YEARS, - NEVER. Guess why? Because I'm not a brat. You can easily just mute me, it's not hard, instead, you poll abuse and get yourself a hard one by that.
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loginThat being said, I do not think a ban poll was necessary. It only caused even more unecessary arguments than Xesta's raging (e.g. - this thread), and could've been just as well resolved with a mute.
As others have pointed out, just because he was acting vile doesn't justify abusing in-game mechanics. If you feel that some player is going WAY overboard, sometimes it's worth a shot to contact an admin and ask them to mute the disruptive player server-wide. Nevertheless, don't abuse this option.
Algarn recieves a warning due to very little past ban history.
Xesta, pls