The artstyle really puts me off from this game, its like its half cartoony half violent but in a bad way.
That´s why I hated it for a long time. Butt-ugly people, killing whales en masse and whining around about their shitty world, at least that´s how it was in part 1. (not to mention the shitty fans of the game who always said, when seeing Thief4: "Ugh, that new Thief game looks like Dishonored!" "Ugh, this is a bad rip-off of Dishonored!" "Ugh, Dishonored was first DUUUURRR." [Sadly, Thief4 turned out to be a "meh" game in the end ;P])
I still played Dishonored because I was curious and I sorta got it as a gift. Since I hated the whole game universe and the npcs in it a lot already, I didn´t give a shit about anyone and just went full villain mode. And at the end of the game, I then had to admit grumpily: "Okay, this game actually LET me play the bad dude and let me set their whole world on fire. And I...
I really enjoyed that."
TL;DR: The gameplay is worth enduring the ugly faces.