"It's quite simple, really.
cRPG killed Native
cRPG players invaded Native
cRPG players have no skill
cRPG players are better than Native players
cRPG players like grind
Native players are boring
cRPG players are boring
cRPG is fun, Native isn't
Native is fun, cRPG isn't
some Native players have more fun than cRPG players
some cRPG players have more fun than Native players
cRPG brought new trolls
that threatens the old trolls
On a more serious note, it's a very simple human behaviour. It's the same reason why there are apple haters and apple fanboys. Once an underdog reaches a critical mass, people feel they have to take a side. If company/project/whatever xyz is small, you either like it, or ignore it. If it grows people need to take a side, because of various psychological effects that are somewhat related to jealousy. So ignoring is no longer an option, liking neither, so hate is the only thing left.
There is actually quite some literature about the subject, very interesting really.
So why is there so much hate against cRPG?
Because it's so very, very human.
Quote from: Magorian Aximand on February 01, 2011, 07:48:48 AM
"The first thing I saw was someone with a brand new account asking for help getting their pirated version of Warband to work with cRPG."
The reason for that is that cRPG is one of the few mods that can't be played with a cracked warband because of it's centralized system. So people are surprised that they can't find hacked cRPG servers

However, good people, do not worry, we will ask for the cRPG subforum to be closed down for good soon enough, then you can go back to the joyful place the TW forums once were, before cRPG arrived."
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