Author Topic: Neuroscience of ADHD, Addiction, Big Pharma, DOTA Rage and Abnormal Psychology  (Read 3176 times)

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I actually gave this video a chance and sat through the whole thing, found it quite enjoyable and relatable in some ways.
With all these conspiracies and generalizations, people forget that while many are out faking mental illness to score drugs, those who truly need them are forgotten.
Women cannot be autistic, because that implies otherwise well functioning brain to be impaired in some way. We know that women posses no such thing.

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« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 11:26:16 am by Sir_Hans »

Offline Armpit_Sweat

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I actually gave this video a chance and sat through the whole thing, found it quite enjoyable and relatable in some ways.
With all these conspiracies and generalizations, people forget that while many are out faking mental illness to score drugs, those who truly need them are forgotten.

Yeah, but why can't a grown up man like myself, who was working and paying taxes since he was 18, buy drugs when he feels like it?.. Just go to a local pharmacy, and say " good afternoon Sir, I would like some of your finest coco, a pinch of mdma, and a single joint - something that will make me sleepy in the morning." And he will be like: " certainly Sir! Remember to drink water and leave your car keys at home tonight" wink wink " that will be 10 Euro".   


Waiting for a pizza so I have time to add some:

... At the same time, I can literally drink myself to death 24/7 for under 50 Euro, and no one will say a word. Or I can join a parkour "club", supported and paid by the state ( my tax money ) and break both of my legs or my neck, and be in a hospital for half a year - all paid by the state ( my fucking tax money ).
That shit pisses me off.

K, pizza is getting sliced.


Home and ate some pizza, so I will add a tiny bit more:

My point here is - if the state allows a "full personal authority over one's body" for their citizens, or, in other words, everyone is able to do whatever the fuck they want with their body ( the most natural and right way, if you ask me ), then it should be applied to everything.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 11:51:46 pm by Armpit_Sweat »
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Offline Leshma

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First of all, I do have zero interest into drugs that aren't produced in my body. But you do have a very good point there. Seeing how many stinky people walk the street with those cigars in their hand, spreading their stink to me and other pedestrians, I see not why fellows who are into taking drugs shouldn't be allowed so. Nicotine is addictive, caffeine is addictive, chocolate is addictive like pretty much every kind of refined sugar, why draw a line at stronger substances? As long junkies don't create havoc, they are way less harmful to their surroundings than your average nicotine addict.

For the record, I do live in a country/city where you can buy pack of cigarettes cheap and where 60% of people still smoke regularly. Laws against smoking are non-existent or simply ignored. That's where my frustration comes from.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 01:20:56 am by Leshma »

Offline Armpit_Sweat

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First of all, I do have zero interest into drugs that aren't produced in my body. But you do have a very good point there. Seeing how many stinky people walk the street with those cigars in their hand, spreading their stink to me and other pedestrians, I see not why fellows who are into taking drugs shouldn't be allowed so. Nicotine is addictive, caffeine is addictive, chocolate is addictive like pretty much every kind of refined sugar, why draw a line at stronger substances? As long junkies don't create havoc, they are way less harmful to their surroundings than your average nicotine addict.

For the record, I do live in a country/city where you can buy pack of cigarettes cheap and where 60% of people still smoke regularly. Laws against smoking are non-existent or simply ignored. That's where my frustration comes from.

While i can relate to your concern about lack of respect for other people, I must insist that it's exactly that - a lack of respect. Some misbehave when high, some misbehave when drunk, some misbehave when totally sober and having no "bad habits" at all. Lack of self-control, lack of proper upbringing, lack of respect for other people in general - these are the roots of the evil, in this case at least.

* disclaimer *
All what i write, and all what I have written on this forum, or any other internet resource, is a work of fiction. It contains no real events, real persons, real opinions of the author, and has absolutely no documentary or factual value.

Anyway, I know a good number of very well educated, successful, and grown up people in their 30's, with families and kids and career etc., who are doing drugs occasionally, and behaving well at all times. Even when half-dead drunk and such. And at the same time, there are so many completely selfish assholes around, who barely need an excuse to be annoying or/and violent.
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Offline Butan

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My point here is - if the state allows a "full personal authority over one's body" for their citizens, or, in other words, everyone is able to do whatever the fuck they want with their body (the most natural and right way, if you ask me), then it should be applied to everything.

I strongly agree.

A particular quote from Mass Effect lore clearly represent what I believe would be the apex of freedom/responsability:

Turians enjoy broad freedoms. So long as one completes his duties, and does not prevent others from completing theirs, nothing is forbidden. For example, there are no laws against recreational drug use, but if someone is unable to complete his duties due to drug use, his superiors step in. Judicial proceedings are "interventions". Peers express their concern, and try to convince the offender to change. If rehabilitation fails, turians have no qualms about sentencing dangerous individuals to life at hard labor for the state.

Offline Rando

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Yeah, but why can't a grown up man like myself, who was working and paying taxes since he was 18, buy drugs when he feels like it?.. Just go to a local pharmacy, and say " good afternoon Sir, I would like some of your finest coco, a pinch of mdma, and a single joint - something that will make me sleepy in the morning." And he will be like: " certainly Sir! Remember to drink water and leave your car keys at home tonight" wink wink " that will be 10 Euro".   


Waiting for a pizza so I have time to add some:

... At the same time, I can literally drink myself to death 24/7 for under 50 Euro, and no one will say a word. Or I can join a parkour "club", supported and paid by the state ( my tax money ) and break both of my legs or my neck, and be in a hospital for half a year - all paid by the state ( my fucking tax money ).
That shit pisses me off.

K, pizza is getting sliced.


Home and ate some pizza, so I will add a tiny bit more:

My point here is - if the state allows a "full personal authority over one's body" for their citizens, or, in other words, everyone is able to do whatever the fuck they want with their body ( the most natural and right way, if you ask me ), then it should be applied to everything.

For what it's worth I agree. The very fact that alcohol is available to all of age is proof enough of this.
Women cannot be autistic, because that implies otherwise well functioning brain to be impaired in some way. We know that women posses no such thing.

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Waiting for a pizza so I have time to add some:
K, pizza is getting sliced.

Home and ate some pizza
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