Author Topic: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis  (Read 4922 times)

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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2016, 07:01:43 pm »
most of Europe are selfish assholes who are more than happy for just a few countries to take on all the burden

They are actually supposed to stay in the first save countries they arrive in, e.g.: Turkey/Greece/Bulgaria, but since those countries offer little to no welfare, the refugees moved on so they can leech off from richer countries. Poland/Czech Republic is also avoided because of the huge islamophobia here and little welfare, not to also mention a bit shittier living conditions (not hating on Poland, just comparing it to where I live and Germany etc).
It is also not selfish to prefer your own people (read: OWN people, austrians over other minorities/immigrants in Austria for example).

It is generally eastern europe that still has balls to do something and they still care about their own people unlike the western powers.

Also, not to forget, there are countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia that could take them in but they won't, instead Saudia Arabia for example wants to build 200 mosques in Germany.
After all, why do they make the hard way to CHRISTIAN Europe instead for MUSLIM Middle East? Money, of course.
To consider the fact that 90% aren't even real syrians with no political affiliations, but rather terror sleeper cells from various muslim countries makes me fear the most.

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« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 07:30:58 pm by dagu807 »
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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2016, 08:37:45 pm »
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Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia - refugees free zone  :wink:

Poland/Czech Republic is also avoided because of the huge islamophobia here and little welfare, not to also mention a bit shittier living conditions (not hating on Poland, just comparing it to where I live and Germany etc).

Who in his right mind would want to migrate to Poland, when they can go to Sweden, Germany or France  :wink: And that's not only because of lower standard of living, but also because of subminimal social support which we have here - even for citizens, let alone refugees.
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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2016, 09:33:01 pm »
Dont worry dagu, i dont consider what you're saying to be hate speech. That doesnt necessarily mean i quite agree with:

You sure dont live in a sheltered society do you? It sounds like you live in 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers'

'denial' is an interesting word these days. In films and popular culture these days it's only ever applied in an 'only sane man in a world gone mad' context where the hero sees the imminent danger but everyone else is in denial. But in the real world if the world genuinely isnt ending and someone is convinced that it is contrary to all reason, then that person is in denial. Denial works both ways, but we only usually see it used in the context of 'you're happy with the world the way it is therefore you're in denial' crowd.

Dw i'll laugh at the irony as much as anyone if one of the 90% 'Syrian' sleeper agents wakes up and seeks to murder me.

You have a bowl of around 200 popcorn, 20 of them are poisonous. Come on, eat one.

Can be applied to refugees too, since they can also lie, not to forget that there are concepts about "positive lying" in Islam, so you would probably end up with waaaayy more than 1000 sleeper cells who wait for the right moment á la Paris attacks and Charlie Hebdo.

The world isn't an utopia and constant hate against eachother will not change, just because we progressed and that stupid shit, but many people are too blind to see that until they are hit by reality.
Call me a fear monger, crazy man or whatever you want to call me, but I genuinely do not want to live in Europastan if shit like this continues, because you know, these immigrants pump out more than 5 kids and yet here it is encouraged you have 2 or no kids because of supposed overpopulation (China, India and Africa are overpopulated, not the West).

Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia - refugees free zone  :wink:

Who in his right mind would want to migrate to Poland, when they can go to Sweden, Germany or France  :wink: And that's not only because of lower standard of living, but also because of subminimal social support which we have here - even for citizens, let alone refugees.

They should stay in the Middle East and go to the nearest MUSLIM countries, they have the same belief and shit after all. They just come to Europe for, guess what, MONEY and the taxpayers have to slave away themselves for them.
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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2016, 12:16:06 am »
Real world huh, must be tought out there
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2016, 01:43:48 am »
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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2016, 04:01:11 am »
Yay Star wars!

"The Empire destroyed Alderaan because of the Rebel Alliance's foreign policy."

"Saying the Sith practice of cutting off people's hands is barbaric is Sithophobic & will create more Sith Lords"

"Darth Vader isn't a real Sith Lord. He has a distorted and perverted interpretation of the Dark Side of the force."

"Humans on Tatooine can't be racist, because they have neither power nor privilege."

"Not all Nerf Herders are scruffy looking"

"Force Choke, nothing to do w/ Dark Side. Sith practice. Dont impose rebel values!"

"Attacking the Death Star created a power vacuum which led to the radicalization of the Empire."

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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2016, 09:19:07 pm »
people saying its not ok to be racist because europeans dont live in a diversified enough society.  :rolleyes: If i went to the black neighborhoods near me i would be shot to death for being white. thanks diversity
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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2016, 09:59:59 pm »
people saying its not ok to be racist because europeans dont live in a diversified enough society.

because diversity totally benefits us all. Cant live without lolz
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Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2016, 10:39:01 am »
It is generally eastern europe that still has balls to do something and they still care about their own people unlike the western powers.

Also, not to forget, there are countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia that could take them in but they won't, instead Saudia Arabia for example wants to build 200 mosques in Germany.

At least in my country the main motivation of our president why he hate speaks refugees on every occasion is to get re-elected, caring for his own citizens is his last point of interest.
Also half of the political establishment is rather pro refugees (or rather pro EU), but yeah still compared to the western politicians they'd be considered Like in the last week there came first refugees selected by some government agency or whatever (all from Syria, and "surprisingly" all christians :))
Lebanon accepted the most refugees per capita in the world (now amounting to 30 percent of population), Jordan also accepted a lot of refugees. Countries that refuse refugees are those oil rich ones around the gulf (Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Quatar, Kuwait etc...).

just to set it right...
OOODDIIINVALHALLAAAAAAA on the 20th of April 2011: What I know is that... heh, eh ja how can I explain? ...deh feeling to believe in Odin is right, dat is what I say, ja?!