Things in Russia work differently than they do in the US. Unlike US, where you basically get shit from everyone including your own people for bombing anything, to the point that any politician related to those events has a deadline in his political career. The Russian government does not have that issue. It practically has the power to shut everybody up in their own country forcefully and not suffer for it at all. This actually allows them to have significantly more free hands to basically bomb everything and claim anything.
To be honest I think it would be quite wise to let Russia loose in the Middle-East. They could finally act out their powerfantasies, the patriots get to jack off on the exploding motherlands bombs videos and ontop of that ISIS gets fucked. And even if they fuck up big time, this time they couldnt pin it on the West.
Kurdish women have been doing all the fighting so far and are beating ISIS soundly with western air support, although progress is slow. The only people who deserve anything out of this conflict IMO are the Kurds. If anything good is to come out of this conflict it will be a Kurdish national state. The local Muslim states in the area have a combined military of over 8 million and they refuse to fight ISIS and denounce their perception of Islam. If Putin would come aboard on this issue he would have alot more support.
Since the Turks don't feel inclined to use their military for any good purpose, they should cede some of their territory to these Kurdish women warriors, as a debt for keeping the hostile expansion of ISIS in check.
Also since ISIS has personally messed with Putin, I could care less what he does to get the job done, he could bomb the Egyptian Pyramids for all I care, he should be free to take whatever action he deems necessary to avenge his countrymen. Other Muslim states have had years to intervene on their behalf to show the world that they can control their own and have failed miserably.