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Offline Bryggan

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« on: October 20, 2015, 03:54:22 pm »

Senātus Populusque Reyvadinus.

The people of Reyvadin have evolved into a republic.

Despite Desire's Elderly Woman's benevolent rule... or perhaps because of it (people being what the are), the happy populace of Reyvadin have formed their own republic.  And Elderly Woman was happy to comply, being more concerned about the 'Eternal City' rather than the stoopid politics of Strat.

So, just so you know: this is a Republic.

This means if you join, you have a chance at being a leader.  But... we will follow our own sort of "Cursus honrum'.  Which means you start as a tribune, then, if you are active, you can be elected a military tribune, then a Quaestor, then an Aedile, then a Legatus, and then one of two consuls.  After that you may become Censor if everyone loves you and trusts you enough.

So then, let me lead you on a little tutorial of our nice little republic:

First of all, we vote for our leaders.  On the ides of whatever month, which means the 15th. But we vote by how active we are,

To gain votes, you must give either troops to the censor or silver to the Aedile.  They will record what you have given, which means votes, and if you are a military tribune will give you a bunch of shiny troops.  So, the more ticks you bring or the more silver you bring, then the more votes you get.  BUT!  We are an archaic society, mixed between plebian and patricians.  So, to be nice to the old school, renown will add votes as well.  "cuz the old ways are the good ways".

So, what does this tell you?  First of all you can advance.  None of this 'leader for life' which most clans do.  You join us, and do your duty as a military tribune, then a quaestro, and after that an Aedile, you could then become Legatus or perhaps a consul.  Then, if everyone likes you enough, you could be censor.

And you're like WHAT? 

Okay, let me give you the run down:

Tribunes:  a non elected role, just people who's parents were noble.  They either just breed troops or, if they are active with a bit of ambition, they run errands for the elected bunch.  They are allowed to add tribunus to their name.  They are the free-est of our people, and can win votes by giving money or troops to the people.  And the Senate.  And etc era.

Military Tribunes are active players who are promoted by the leaders.  They are the people who run armies, ready to attack or reinforce or do whatever the Legatus tells them to do.  They may add tribunus militum to their name.

The elected roles. To advance, you must be elected in order.  IE, you must be Quaestor before you are Aedile, and you must be Aedile before you are Legatus, and you must be Legatus before you are consul, and you gotta be consul before.... fuck that, Desire is the only one we trust as Censor.

Quaestor is in charge of keeping crime down.  The Quaestor will trade, and tell tribunes to trade, to keep crime down.  The Quaestors's immediate concern will be Eternal City of Reyvadin, but will also ensure the crime rates of any other fief are .... well, decent.

Aedile: The gent in charge of the cash.  He will take your cash and convert it to armour.  He will also keep track of your money that you donate, and convert it to votes.

Legatus: the person in charge of military shit.  He will run the military tribunes and anyone else that fields an army for the republic.

Two consuls:  They decide the political action we take.  Consuls have full power, and do not need answer to anyone.... until the next election.  But they choose who we fight and who we are allied to.  They can order the Legatus, who can order the military tribunes, to do what they want.  And the Legatus must obey.  Each consul has veto power, so unless they agree, they are fucked.

And then there is the Censor.    While having no real political power, the censor oversees the voting, and disperses the troops to the military tribunes.

So, join this faction, if you are ambitious enough.  All other clans have their leaders, and that will not change.  But if you do your strat bullshit well, and impress us you could eventually become a leader.

current seat holders

Censor: Elderly Woman *aka Desire*
Blue and NSIV
Doctor Professor
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 05:37:44 pm by Bryggan »

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« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2015, 04:43:38 pm »
i think we're at a point where there are more clans than players on crpg
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Offline bruttus

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« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2015, 05:30:42 pm »
Good Luck Bruggan

Offline Bryggan

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« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2015, 05:38:43 pm »
Gotta keep reinventing yourself...

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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2015, 06:01:22 pm »
Cool theme, bad timing
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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Offline Bryggan

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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2015, 07:03:13 pm »
I know, right!

Shiny massive armies with no where to go.

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« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2015, 08:21:22 pm »
Hope you're planning on being a dedicated trading clan.  :wink:
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"I'll have my lance aimed at Jona's knees and he'll jump up, run up my lance and kill me." -Dalfador

Offline Bryggan

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« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2015, 04:37:59 pm »
Essentially I feel Strat should be played like single player native.  In which every individual should aspire to control as much as they can.  I dream of a Strat where people make decisions not based on whom they hate dor do not hate, but what is the best for said individual.  I have always avoided owning fiefs, because fiefs tie you down.  And I have always had the most respect for the gents who do the unrewarded shit, ie re-inforcing armies and trading.

I myself have always avoiding owning fiefs.  Fuck purple text; if you are a good soldier, people will know your name whatever you do.  My rule has always been 'fight fight fight, and fuck owning fiefs'.

"So why do I come here?"

I know the more successes I have, the more enemies I make.  When I rose to power, it was not by fighting AFK fiefs (aka the starks), but by giving up the war on the AFK LCO (left that to the Wardens), and attacking the last active faction, Acre.

And what did that get you?

a rather quick victory.  But it also gained me the most loyal of allies.  Though it took awhile.  As much as Acre hated me, they were the first to reinforce me.  While they would never offer troops or armies for offensive measures, they would give anything to protect me.

So Acre was all about defense?

Yeah they were, but perhaps they changed. But when I was High King or Emperor, I could not squeeze a troop out of them for attacks.  I suppose it was because they considered me an ill mannered barbarian... which I was.  But the fools forgot that I had defeated them, and brought down Dutchy's kingdom, and a few other minor kindgoms.  So they accepted my suzerainty, but did not trust my decisions.

How did that affect you?

Not much, at first.
I still had my 13K, plus my good old 'Sword of the South'," to do attacks.   At that time, I needed Acre to hold our lands, trade and keep the crime down.  Though actually, I never gave a shit about crime.  I believed in a free economy, and i trusted if a fief was attacked, there would be some army nearby.  and they could transfer gear at the needed time.

But 13K- my personal army- deserted.  I ws angry at first, but then realized I started it as a mercenary faction.  These were my guys, and I taught them- Look out for number one.'
and they did- how awesome of em?

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« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2015, 07:47:37 am »
Fuck Boyar Meriga.

Fuck Emir Lakhem.

I will rape their fiefs at the cost of my own Empire if it means they ragequit Calradia altogether in the end.

...I too like to play Strat the same way that i play single player native :DDD

Lakhem will always stay a little bitch
Your binary primitive low capacity of thinking is not relevant.

Offline Bryggan

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« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2015, 05:09:19 pm »
Methinks we are over due for an election.  I call two weeks from now... the 9th, for all good citizens to bring their troops to the Censor and all money and captured gear to the Aedile.  The troops you give and the money you bring in will buy you votes.  Each vote will be separate:

First vote will be for Censor.
Second vote will be for the Consuls.
Third vote will be for the Legatus.
Fourth vote will be the Aedile
Fifth vote will be for the Quaestor.

Current nominations:
Censor: Elderly Woman
Consuls: Blue and NSIV
Legatus:  Brygandius
Aedile: JayJrod
Quaestor: Doctor Professor

Please contact me if you have any other nominations.