Author Topic: Please ban joan and demod Elderly_Woman  (Read 5901 times)

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Offline Sandersson Jankins

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Re: Please ban joan and demod Elderly_Woman
« Reply #45 on: July 08, 2015, 02:34:34 am »
I was nearly always calm and level-headed in cRPG strat battles. Hell, most of them I was in I was leading in SOME capacity. Some folks just couldn't do the damn thing in-house....had to fucking out-source to me and Arowaine's bitch asses..

But fuck me.


If I was doing catapult duty for a bunch of ignorant assholes jokingly (or not) yelling HEY WHY ISNT THE WALL DOWN



And then some jackass comes up to the catapult thinking "oh boy, I can do this! I'm gonna help! I'm gonna be the guy!"


No sympathy, I'm sorry. You can't touch another man's catapult without express permission over TS. It's hard enough business being coached and bitched at by people that haven't the first clue about throwing rocks at walls, people that won't put 5 minutes into actually LEARNING it...without people not even in TS coming up and fucking with your block.

Aiight, so that's the one thing besides Kesh-led FCC pounding the fuck out of my hipster coalition that made me genuinely mad in cRPG.

So fuck you, bud.

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And anyway, fuck sake boys...keep the dank memes where they belong. You're ruining my secret internet club with all of your cuckposting. Especially if you're even more of a my old friendet than I am.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?