After much chaos, some bloodshed, and the creation of new enemies and allies, I would like to help settle everything down.
1. The Empire of Palagor declares its independence and is allied to no faction.
2. The village of New Dashbigha shall not be attacked by any faction unless aggressive actions are taking by the Empire of Palagor against said faction. Any violation of this will result in the attacker being an ultimate shitlord.
3. The village of New Dashbigha, as well as all of its possessions as of June 9, 2015, shall be returned to the Empire of Palagor. Until this is done, the Empire of Palagor will act in a hostile manner towards the owner of the fief and/or possessions.
4. The Empire of Palagor will act neutrally towards all factions unless aggressively acted upon.