...i like zlots, but can we ban him anyway? for being archer?
idc wot he says, his words dont dent my armor, just his gayass flaming jewmy old friend arrows
also...HAX, take ur bullshit statements somewhere else. the internet dont give a fuck for it, people arnt homophobic if they dont like gays, theres no fear of them, and enough with the jewish propaganda bullshit, most of the israelies today arnt even semetic, the arabs of that region are far more semetic then the israelies\jews, so fuck off with that bullshit. jews arnt the only semetic peoples yet ARE the only people that use that bullshit whenever they are personally insulted.
i get a lot of flack from the yanks here about being canadian, not once did i snap back like " HOW DARE U WITH UR ANTI-CANADIANIC STATEMENTS!!"
FUCK OUTTA HERE. and fuck israel for their war crimes against humanity. dont give me that anti semetic shit.