Author Topic: Ban Rest_in_Peace  (Read 2000 times)

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Offline Gandalf77

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Re: Ban Rest_in_Peace
« Reply #15 on: February 29, 2016, 09:45:02 am »
Here's the screen on which rest in peace apologizes to Rider:

(click to show/hide)

Rider doesn't want justice, his only desire is to get his rival banned. He would get charged in court for falsifying facts but luckily for him it's just a game. Would someone who intentionally kills a team mate apologize for it? I don't think so, if I was mad I'd curse him and make a kick poll and rip even corrected his misspell.

If you really cared for rules Rider you would provide whole story without hiding parts of it, now you behave like government's channels in 3rd world countries.

So in your opinion its  not breaking the rules to kill someone ON PURPOSE and say sorry after that? Btw i started to do ban threat after i took the screenshoot, even if he said sorry its against the rules to tk someone ON PURPOSE if i good know or i mistake ? Maybe now everyone will start to tk some random guy at beginning of the round and say sorry after that and all will be fine?

And why he shouldnt  write false apologize to make some shit posts like you here?
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 09:49:45 am by Gandalf77 »

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Re: Ban Rest_in_Peace
« Reply #16 on: February 29, 2016, 09:48:35 am »
ban for like 2 hours and get over with it
people are like potatoes, they come in different shapes and sizes and they all are beautifull
masturbating while looking in a mirror isnt wrong unless its the rear view mirror and you are driving a school buss.

it doesnt matter if you are happiest person or an unfortunate weeper, a powerfull beast or a terrifying creature. we are all equal, in the eyes of the reaper.

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Re: Ban Rest_in_Peace
« Reply #17 on: February 29, 2016, 09:58:58 am »
How do You know its ON PURPOSE? everyone makes mistakes, Your just a grumpy fart who wants to ban people You dont like

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Re: Ban Rest_in_Peace
« Reply #18 on: February 29, 2016, 10:01:36 am »
May I remind everyone that this is a ban thread and not a freaking open discussion!
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Ban Rest_in_Peace
« Reply #19 on: February 29, 2016, 09:37:12 pm »
I am not under the impression that there is sufficient evidence proving the teamhits were intentional. The server could have been on low population like so often, which would explain why the teamkill has seemingly happened shortly after the repairs. The many chat messages before the start of the fight suggest that time has passed between the repairs from last round and the fight in this round. This hypothesis is supported by the fact the chat messages were a conversation between few people rather than unrelated comments from different senders who posted all at the same time upon respawn.

The precaution to take a screenshot with the "sorry" message is one I would have undertaken as a player as well, knowing that OP has a reputation for overusing ban threads even upon minor situations.

I am aware that RIP is not pushing himself very hard to act conformable with the rules, but during my play time on the servers, he has not exceeded the threshold of rule-violating behavior that would justify a serious ban. To clarify, let me refer to a situation a few days ago on EU7: RIP was standing around the virgin, chatting, moving occassionally and killing straggler bots. While we should punish people for AFK-leeching over several minutes, for example, we cannot ban people for eating a snack or rolling a cigarette in front of their PC, chatting ingame and killing a few bots around the virgin instead of tryharding 100% of the time on the front lines.

I guess RIP is just not as popular as other guys out there. This is because someone asked me to ban him in a situation exactly as described above; he was limiting his contribution to help the team but not AFK, engaged in sabotage or actively leeching. For educational reasons, I followed the request and banned RIP for 1 minute, but applying the same standards, I banned the guy who reported him for 2 minutes because the reporter had only half the kills RIP had despite both being highlevel.

1) the OP who seemingly tries to get everyone banned for almost anything,
2) RIP being targeted by unjustified ban requests in the past,
3) and insufficient evidence in this specific example,

I conclude that doing nothing is the perfect response. The reasoning has been peer-reviewed by Uther and XyNoX.

We could have avoided posting this wall of text if the server logs updated, but unfortunately, clinging to hidden signs and their interpretation is the only way to handle ban requests for the time being, unless there is overwhelmingly clear evidence.

@RIP: Please be more careful with teamhits in the future!
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