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I don't want to give a feedback to molly neither i want to ban him,I wanted to give advise high authorities to take his admin rights.Panos you monkey wrench where would u put this topic enlighten me you cancer fuck.
I'm not sure if ships are ingame
That's my biggest problem with this mod. Some days the game feels perfect, and I can easily block all enemies' attacks. And some days I'm just lagging hard, it seems like the weird delay lag. My usual ping is 54-64, but in such days it feels as if my ping was 100-140 (even if it still shows me 54-64 when I hit tab button). The simplest block becomes a difficult one to do (and it becomes impossible to block the chamber attacks). I had this kind of issue years ago and I was always wondering if I am the only one who has such problem, but it turns out that I am not alone. Also it seems to me that on EU2 server I'm lagging more than on EU1. Sometimes rejoining to server helps to reduce that lag (not always). But basically it is just a lottery - I never know if the game will be lagging today, or not
I have the exact same problem but on NA. My ping is normally around 50-60, but randomly it will jump to 140-150 for about 30 minutes or so. It stopped last week, but now its baaacck