List of CRPG's most dishonest degenerate scum:
1) Jason_the_Great (Thief)
2) Mcdeath (Item bomber)
3) Tristan_of_Erzoth (Gate griefer)
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loginIn all honesty are you still butt hurt about that? You guys won the battle and we were just dicking around. I got banned and served my time for it and since then haven't done
anything(On NA
) bannable. It was the first time I had been banned in over 3 years(first time was a misunderstanding an only lasted like an hour). I mean sure yeah, it was a dick thing to do but I was told by a few others that it wasn't a banable offense and that it was okay to do, so I did it, but I mean you've basically spent the last several months since then in game trying to screw me over. Is it really worth it?
how you even gonna talk you're a squid, literally the epitome of autism
Amen to that brother.
Also I find it hilarious in the screen shot you're trying to get Tornkik banned for TKing but not saying anything about us poll kicking Schoi for literally no reason. If I recall its because I said he rdm'd me and then someone else started to kick him and it went through.(Also get rekt Old_Bones now its in cRPG history forever that I killed you once!)