Future IdeasSeveral Team Balance Suggestions.
Ways to log intentional team wounding more effectively.
Ideas created on 02/17/16 Master volume setting. Adjusts both sound and music based on the percentage of what the master volume is at.
Example equation:
real_sound_bar_level = (initial_sound_bar_value int(0-100) ) * (master_bar_value double/float(0-1) )
This would allow the overall adjustment of the game sounds while still maintaining the balance between music and sound
Q shouting menu favorites list. I only use about maybe 10 shouts altogether from the huge list that is given and most of them require 2 hands to press because the keys I need are so far apart. My suggestion would be to use the QQ submenu as the favorites menu and keys qwerasdfzxcv as the bindable keys used in this menu. As far as implementing this feature I have a few ideas. For the sake of space I am going to put it in the spoiler here:
I figure there is two possible options to implement this. Both ideas stem off the fact that the favorites list will be some kind of parsible file that the game will read and then configure where necessary. This file format could be anything from a csv to a binary file, it all depends on how in depth you'd want to go. I will be referencing the favorites list file as a .fl file for the remainder of this spoiler. Let's get started.
I1 is most likely much easier and would take less time to implement than I2. The whole idea is to have the launcher load the .fl file every time the game is run. That would mean that the favorites list would need to be altered when the game is closed. On launch the necessary files would be configured and the game would be booted with the specified list.
.fl File Configuration
In order for players to create this list there are 2 possible options to consider. One would be to have the .fl file be a text file and users change their favorites based on changing values within the file. The second would be to have a setting within the launcher that would allow the users to open a GUI and change what their favorites would be. This GUI essentially allows users to create and change these files with much more ease. It also allows the .fl file to be a binary file since users no longer have to change any values within the .fl via a text editor. In all honesty option 1 could be considered the first step to option two because of how simple it could be to implement a GUI based on a pre-existing feature.
Closing Comments
This pretty much sums up I1. Overall this process relies more on the user than I2 but is much more simple to implement. I do not know how the shout system has been implemented so I did not attempt to explain anything beyond the launcher taking the file and changing things up within warband/cRPG. End I1.
I2 is very similar to I1 but does not rely heavily on the launcher and uses Warband/cRPG instead. I2 would require the creation of some kind of menu within warband for users to create a favorites list. This menu could be a tab within the options menu or a button at the start menu of cRPG. This implementation would decrease the difficulty of modifying the favorites list compared to I1 but would most likely take much more time to implement.
.fl File Configuration
The file by default could be a binary file because users no longer have to edit these files directly. This greatly increases usability of this feature as well as reliability because you could rule out human error in creating the .fl file.
Closing Comments
Overall I2 could be considered what I1 wants to be when it grows up but keep in mind that this implementation is probably very difficult to implement. (The devs would have to clarify this for me. I am assuming it would from my basic knowledge editing someone elses software vs creating your own)
Overall Closing Comments
It did take me a bit of time to come up with this flow of logic so I am interested to see what you players as well as any devs think of this layout. If there is any suggestion you have to make this feature better let me know and I will think about how it could be added in.
I hope you all think these are good ideas to be implemented. I think they are both useful in their own ways and I feel like they would increase the overall quality of cRPG. I used a lot of information I learned from a software engineering course to help construct this. I figure the first step to getting a feature added is creating a basis from which it could be built on and I think this is it. Anyways, thanks for reading and let me know what you think.
That Horns GuyP.S. I plan on using this post continuously for any suggestions I might have so I will most likely continue necroing this post in the future with any new ideas I might have (Sorry in advance