Author Topic: Shield usage on duel server  (Read 5755 times)

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Re: Shield usage on duel server
« Reply #60 on: October 14, 2014, 03:45:14 am »
I don't think you're in the position to talk bad about about Harpag's skill
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

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Re: Shield usage on duel server
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2014, 08:02:33 am »
Basically, all of the good players completely understand how dominant you can be as a shielder. I'm pretty sure every "2handed-cav-polearm hero" etc has played multiple gens as shielders, and very likely got an even higher KD then their ten gens as whatever melee class.

Being a shielder isn't hard. It's hilariously easy, like heavy armor long 2handed/polearm backpedaling.

Veteran cRPG players who are comfortable as a shielder are easily some of the most impactful in most Battle situations, and understand animations in Warband enough to wreck even highly skilled duelists in duels, since 1hand can be played in a fast, aggressive, skillful way and has high-danger swings to counter any footwork.

What we all uniformly recognize as shit, is turtle shielders. People who don't even dare try to get inside swings, who just pivot around holding RMB whenever their opponent winds up. Backpedaling, RMB'ing, doing nothing, randomly swinging in between the bored 2hander/polearms 10th feint/spam combo trying to make something happen and then cheering "heh.. noob 2hand spammers.."

And this is the kind of player who uses shields on duel. Shitty noobs. I, and I'm sure everyone else here, has never had a fun duel with, and feels nothing but a lack of respect for, the Shielder on Duel. Do everyone a favor and go on siege if you want to practice instead (if anyone even plays siege still lol dead mod)

Also my main point is what kind of pussy makes an entire thread on General Discussion saying people insulted him on the duel server? People do that all the time, because cRPG is filled with raging spergs, like most videogames. Expect people to shit talk you for any perceived weakness, especially if you appear to be some thinks-is-good-tryhard noob who uses overpowered tactics ineffectively and is just trash in all ways. Born 2 be trolled
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 08:05:35 am by Smoothrich »
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Re: Shield usage on duel server
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2014, 12:11:08 pm »
What we all uniformly recognize as shit, is turtle shielders. People who don't even dare try to get inside swings, who just pivot around holding RMB whenever their opponent winds up. Backpedaling, RMB'ing, doing nothing, randomly swinging in between the bored 2hander/polearms 10th feint/spam combo trying to make something happen and then cheering "heh.. noob 2hand spammers.."

Basically what this man said. There are good shielders who block when it's necessary, help teammates from arrows, attack, kill. And then there are the turtle shielders.

>Take Huscarl
>Hold RMB
I duel 1vs1 horse vs horse. Dude have nigga long lance that have 10 metres long or something.

Many time i can see as people use this script where horse just standing on 2 feets and does "yhohohohoh".

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Re: Shield usage on duel server
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2014, 12:50:24 pm »
My own personal opinion on this is, I find fighting shielders boring on duel server. I do use an axe and fight very few shielders a challenge and the ones that are are generally pure agi whores who are on my toes circling me left slash left slash left slash left slash.... you get the idea. So its lose lose fighting them. Boring if they fight as a balanced build and boring a frustrating if they are an agi whore. However I don't insult them. Play however you find it fun.
Peasants are squishy.

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Re: Shield usage on duel server
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2014, 01:02:10 pm »
I couldn't troll you about your skill lvl: you cannot point and laugh at something that doesn't excist.
Wow, that was a strong one.