To quote the Book of Our Lord:
But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given her for a covering.
- 1 Corinthians 11:15
This is of course a verse I know we are all familiar with. In order to keep in line with all the religious & holy aspects of cRPG, I'd love to see more helmets/hats that showed our players hair (especially our female players). I only have one female player, Mallets Daughter. The past few nights, I've spent hours trying to find her a helm that I like on her. They all look terrible without showing her long beautiful hair.
So I'm suggesting that there be more helms that show the users hair (especially for female characters to show off their long beautiful hair). Stuff similar to the Mongolian Lady Hat. But hopefully these hats or helms could be a little more sturdy (have higher armor values). I'd love to wear something like the Eastern Soldiers Hat... if only it showed my long beautiful hair.
And I'm not suggesting that each helm shows the player with their current hair style... though that would be awesome. Even if the helm made the player have a certain hair style flowing out from underneath the helm... I'd be cool with that.
I'm tired of my daughter looking like some dude.
To quote the Great Book again,
When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.
- Leviticus 15:19
How to implement this may be a little trickier! I suggest that female characters are allowed to pick 7 consecutive days in a month in which they are impure. During this time if any other player touches them... they must quit cRPG until the evening is done. If their sword/weapon touches the impure woman... then it must be cleaned and sat aside til evening.
And maybe some kind of algorithm can be developed wherein female players that play together often... their impure cycle syncs up, and they share the same 7 day period of impurity.
Just a thought!