Buff damage +50-100%
Knockdown possibility
Lootable/reusable like other ammo(except smokebomb)
Melee mode:
Add kd chance
Buff damage to 15b, balance towards the nerf mentioned bleow.
Balancing(counter to the buffs):Lower ammo amount to half or one quarter
Increase weight(x2 or more)
Adjust slot usage, minimum 1 maybe even 2 or 3.
Realism points:Since I have no direct evidence stones was this good during the renaissance/medieval era this might be the wrong time period. Stones today are more widely used than poleaxes, which says a lot, it has survived the gunpowder and mechanization transition far better than most other crpg-weapons would.
The reason for the buff is... stone to the head= not good, helmet helps, but disabling someone for 7 min("Killed" on battle server) should be a possibility for a high PT build against heavy helmets with 1-3 hits.
PS. Slot usage might actually need to be made to 2(maybe 3) to avoid making it the "standard sidearm"
Hulgbahr_von_Krems, the caveman living under burg krems is using stones sporadically until I reach level 31 with that alt ;)