Did you know:
Engineered Wood is Just as strong as Concrete Masony Units(CMU)?
Rough Sawn Lumber is much stronger than people give it credit for.
CMU is more expensive for only a slight increase in strength.(Wooden wall can handle, based on several factors, 2000-4000 pounds of downward force. CMU can handle 7500 Pounds of force)
The most important part of a house is, generally, the foundation. One: It's expensive to repair Two: If it's wrong, the rest of the house has to be fixed.
All Damage for buildings comes not from the walls, but the roof(Uplift). It's the #1 failure mode for all houses, except for seismic based houses. Even a concrete house has a wooden, or equivelent, roof in nearly every country(if it's sloped). Flat roofs, not so sure. Unless they are more expensive, then they'd use metal trusses, but that's godly expensive.
A small metal strap(Standard here is a Simpson H2.5T) can hold 550# of Uplift before it buckles? And it costs only 3-10 bucks to buy.
"True Brick" houses are incapable of being built over 5 stories, because brick buckles on it self.
Most "brick" houses use the brick as a veneer, while wood, or concrete, is what the house is truly supported by.
If you want to know lots of Design features of Wooden based houses, I can give you 2,000,000,000 things to look at. So much complexity in them.