Yeah, I got some idea's for maps but I figured the system would be very limiting. Just having the option to give each team their own amount of spawn points could result in so much more choice when it comes to map design.
Though it could work with the siege system, but in a "caravan raid" like map the map would be relatively small. Plus the siege timer would need to go, I could imagine strategus ticks to work though.
Though in this case the attackers would have the upper hand when it comes to spawn points. Possibly the attackers could get ((totalplayers/2)*1.1) and the defenders could get ((totalplayers/2)*1.4) amount of ticks.
The 1.1 and 1.4 would allow the first to die to respawn, favouring the defenders because of their initial spawn location penalty. Combined with a short round time this could result in interesting quick raids.
Random math and shit
im not good at it