Absolutely useless.
You should put wpf into Xbow if you wanna play xbow

With 160 xbow wpf you will not be able to shoot very accurately. Good for using the Heavy as a shotgun or the easy med-distance hit.
I would probably go 9wm and 9ath and only 2 power strike, since with 9 ath your main intention is to kite 24/7 anyway. Also way less wpf in 1h.
I'd probably go for
This is my STF, so at lvl31 you will have 15 str to use a Heavy Xbowvisitors can't see pics , please
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login With that build you will be able to shoot a whole lot more accurate, while at the same time being just as fast being able to kite endlessly. You have less PS and 1h wpf but you will not fight melee too often anyway with 9ath.
if I catch you kiting me once I will make sure to hunt you for the rest of
my your life