I don't know, the byrnies are low quality and we already have lots of round shields...
Why are you so focused on HQ stuff that is all uber-unique and shiny? As long as the items don't look
totally crappy, adding more items will increase diversity and make the game more interesting. I'd prefer 7 slightly different bynries and round shields of the same shape but with 20 different motives rather than seeing 7 people wearing the exact same byrnies and 20 people using the exact same shields.
Also add kuyaks with different fur colors and talismans. Every 10th melee player uses Kuyak anyways, why not offer some alternatives that look similar but not like duplicates? Ffs, get the most out of the models we have by diversifying them slightly. "It looks similar to what we have" is no argument against adding something. Rather than that, something similar to what we already have meets the criteria to be a cRPG item, so take it in immediately. People can switch to the other versions of these items and the copy&paste feeling dies.