Author Topic: why did my post get taken down?  (Read 2294 times)

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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2014, 10:21:01 pm »
no san is the worst admin on the planet in any game ever what the fuck did you just fucking say about me  you little bitch  i ll have you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals  and i ve been involved in numerous secret raids on al-quaeda  and i have over 300 confirmed kills i am trained in gorilla warfare and i m the top sniper in the entire us armed forces you are nothing to me but just another target i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth  mark my fucking words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet  think again  fucker as we speak i am contacting my secret network of spies across the usa and your ip is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm  maggot the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life you re fucking dead  kid i can be anywhere  anytime  and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways  and that s just with my bare hands not only am i extensively trained in unarmed combat  but i have access to the entire arsenal of the united states marine corps and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent  you little shit if only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you  maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn t  you didn t  and now you re paying the price  you goddamn idiot i will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it you re fucking dead  kiddo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nam commodo vehicula tortor quis molestie mi bibendum eget sed feugiat massa id accumsan rutrum ipsum quam rutrum ligula posuere posuere risus nisi eu metus donec sapien lorem fermentum nec nulla ut ullamcorper vestibulum massa donec aliquam ac tortor ut tincidunt vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; sed sit amet leo nunc maecenas at elit non nisl placerat tristique mauris porta velit eros at commodo nibh iaculis sit amet suspendisse porttitor felis id mollis tempus eros neque dignissim mi quis rutrum sapien enim in nibh quisque vehicula tortor ut faucibus sagittis morbi fringilla luctus magna vel condimentum eros blandit nec sed id posuere mi nulla rutrum consectetur mi in iaculis suspendisse potenti phasellus sit amet tincidunt nibh morbi vehicula egestas est eu interdum pellentesque adipiscing ligula quam ut accumsan dolor luctus id donec mattis lacus quis nisl placerat eu vulputate arcu lacinia in eros purus ultrices imperdiet magna in interdum hendrerit lectus aliquam ligula sem sagittis a enim eget congue porttitor elit quisque tincidunt lacus massa ac vestibulum magna volutpat nec sed dignissim tortor id pulvinar lacinia nunc venenatis diam enim sed sollicitudin sapien cursus sed curabitur nec arcu in nunc aliquet lacinia eu sit amet tellus nullam eu faucibus elit quis suscipit nibh proin pulvinar eros dictum diam semper quis eleifend nibh interdum class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos donec odio enim mollis sit amet neque sit amet condimentum suscipit metus sed vel sagittis lacus eget auctor quam pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed arcu mauris suscipit eget condimentum pretium lobortis vitae quam fusce vehicula diam vel tellus cursus vulputate donec malesuada est et mi facilisis at molestie ligula accumsan nunc sed felis tincidunt bibendum orci non facilisis libero nulla nec consequat magna at dictum ligula morbi adipiscing semper ultrices nullam porta semper sollicitudin suspendisse vel magna augue nulla rutrum libero sed leo laoreet elementum quisque dignissim urna vitae nunc pharetra eu feugiat tortor gravida etiam rhoncus urna id tempor commodo urna lectus suscipit justo non pellentesque nisl erat sed nibh vivamus eget arcu dapibus dapibus est ultrices mollis dui donec placerat viverra lorem sit amet porttitor ut eget pretium nulla cras interdum lorem dictum auctor adipiscing donec ac feugiat ant vivamus condimentum dui cursus velit aliquet quis elementum erat faucibus sed cursus nunc et eleifend ultrices mauris felis felis euismod nec tincidunt sit amet rutrum ut lacus donec non sem vel dolor amcorper hendrerit curabitur justo ipsum gravida in tristique eget ullamcorper sed nunc phasellus placerat nunc eu ante faucibus facilisis pharetra libero mattis vestibulum posuere turpis nec tempus ornare morbi et eros lacus vestibulum vulputate nunc nec accumsan interdum mauris eu accumsan felis aenean malesuada felis at dolor semper nec venenatis nunc pretium nam at eleifend mi ut sagittis odio id dolor bibendum vehicula vestibulum metus tempus duis elementum nunc eu venenatis vehicula nulla viverra purus ac libero ultricies sed eleifend magna accumsan integer accumsan posuere cursus

wou :O
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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2014, 10:40:33 pm »
no san is the worst admin on the planet in any game ever what the fuck did you just fucking say about me  you little bitch  i ll have you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals  and i ve been involved in numerous secret raids on al-quaeda  and i have over 300 confirmed kills i am trained in gorilla warfare and i m the top sniper in the entire us armed forces you are nothing to me but just another target i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth  mark my fucking words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet  think again  fucker as we speak i am contacting my secret network of spies across the usa and your ip is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm  maggot the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life you re fucking dead  kid i can be anywhere  anytime  and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways  and that s just with my bare hands not only am i extensively trained in unarmed combat  but i have access to the entire arsenal of the united states marine corps and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent  you little shit if only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you  maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn t  you didn t  and now you re paying the price  you goddamn idiot i will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it you re fucking dead  kiddo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nam commodo vehicula tortor quis molestie mi bibendum eget sed feugiat massa id accumsan rutrum ipsum quam rutrum ligula posuere posuere risus nisi eu metus donec sapien lorem fermentum nec nulla ut ullamcorper vestibulum massa donec aliquam ac tortor ut tincidunt vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; sed sit amet leo nunc maecenas at elit non nisl placerat tristique mauris porta velit eros at commodo nibh iaculis sit amet suspendisse porttitor felis id mollis tempus eros neque dignissim mi quis rutrum sapien enim in nibh quisque vehicula tortor ut faucibus sagittis morbi fringilla luctus magna vel condimentum eros blandit nec sed id posuere mi nulla rutrum consectetur mi in iaculis suspendisse potenti phasellus sit amet tincidunt nibh morbi vehicula egestas est eu interdum pellentesque adipiscing ligula quam ut accumsan dolor luctus id donec mattis lacus quis nisl placerat eu vulputate arcu lacinia in eros purus ultrices imperdiet magna in interdum hendrerit lectus aliquam ligula sem sagittis a enim eget congue porttitor elit quisque tincidunt lacus massa ac vestibulum magna volutpat nec sed dignissim tortor id pulvinar lacinia nunc venenatis diam enim sed sollicitudin sapien cursus sed curabitur nec arcu in nunc aliquet lacinia eu sit amet tellus nullam eu faucibus elit quis suscipit nibh proin pulvinar eros dictum diam semper quis eleifend nibh interdum class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos donec odio enim mollis sit amet neque sit amet condimentum suscipit metus sed vel sagittis lacus eget auctor quam pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed arcu mauris suscipit eget condimentum pretium lobortis vitae quam fusce vehicula diam vel tellus cursus vulputate donec malesuada est et mi facilisis at molestie ligula accumsan nunc sed felis tincidunt bibendum orci non facilisis libero nulla nec consequat magna at dictum ligula morbi adipiscing semper ultrices nullam porta semper sollicitudin suspendisse vel magna augue nulla rutrum libero sed leo laoreet elementum quisque dignissim urna vitae nunc pharetra eu feugiat tortor gravida etiam rhoncus urna id tempor commodo urna lectus suscipit justo non pellentesque nisl erat sed nibh vivamus eget arcu dapibus dapibus est ultrices mollis dui donec placerat viverra lorem sit amet porttitor ut eget pretium nulla cras interdum lorem dictum auctor adipiscing donec ac feugiat ant vivamus condimentum dui cursus velit aliquet quis elementum erat faucibus sed cursus nunc et eleifend ultrices mauris felis felis euismod nec tincidunt sit amet rutrum ut lacus donec non sem vel dolor amcorper hendrerit curabitur justo ipsum gravida in tristique eget ullamcorper sed nunc phasellus placerat nunc eu ante faucibus facilisis pharetra libero mattis vestibulum posuere turpis nec tempus ornare morbi et eros lacus vestibulum vulputate nunc nec accumsan interdum mauris eu accumsan felis aenean malesuada felis at dolor semper nec venenatis nunc pretium nam at eleifend mi ut sagittis odio id dolor bibendum vehicula vestibulum metus tempus duis elementum nunc eu venenatis vehicula nulla viverra purus ac libero ultricies sed eleifend magna accumsan integer accumsan posuere cursus
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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2014, 12:24:09 am »
San 1 of those votes got to 49% the other 45% and the last 35% once i realized he wasent getting kicked i stopped 3 polls isnt spamming considering he was legitamently trolling and nudged me during battle im sorry im not a little nerd my old friend pussy who immedietly reported shit like that honetly if you got to know me you would understand im not a troll i have fun with people i can tolerate other and try to rid the scum its too bad your all cought up in murdertrons claims and i defintly didnt teamwound this is an unbacked ban considering i wasent spamming polls i polled 3 times and 2 were less than 5% from going through afer the percent dipped i stopped knowing that from there on i would be spamming consider than an unban request thanks!

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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2014, 12:48:11 am »
that feeling when somebody does not use any kind of punctuation or capitalising letters so reading the whole freaking sentence starts hurting your brain after the first few words but you just try to keep reading and in the end you realise you have not understood a single fucking word and instead of reading it again you decide not to

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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2014, 02:45:58 pm »
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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2014, 03:46:21 pm »
no san is the worst admin on the planet in any game ever what the fuck did you just fucking say about me  you little bitch  i ll have you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals  and i ve been involved in numerous secret raids on al-quaeda  and i have over 300 confirmed kills i am trained in gorilla warfare and i m the top sniper in the entire us armed forces you are nothing to me but just another target i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth  mark my fucking words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet  think again  fucker as we speak i am contacting my secret network of spies across the usa and your ip is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm  maggot the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life you re fucking dead  kid i can be anywhere  anytime  and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways  and that s just with my bare hands not only am i extensively trained in unarmed combat  but i have access to the entire arsenal of the united states marine corps and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent  you little shit if only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you  maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn t  you didn t  and now you re paying the price  you goddamn idiot i will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it you re fucking dead  kiddo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nam commodo vehicula tortor quis molestie mi bibendum eget sed feugiat massa id accumsan rutrum ipsum quam rutrum ligula posuere posuere risus nisi eu metus donec sapien lorem fermentum nec nulla ut ullamcorper vestibulum massa donec aliquam ac tortor ut tincidunt vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; sed sit amet leo nunc maecenas at elit non nisl placerat tristique mauris porta velit eros at commodo nibh iaculis sit amet suspendisse porttitor felis id mollis tempus eros neque dignissim mi quis rutrum sapien enim in nibh quisque vehicula tortor ut faucibus sagittis morbi fringilla luctus magna vel condimentum eros blandit nec sed id posuere mi nulla rutrum consectetur mi in iaculis suspendisse potenti phasellus sit amet tincidunt nibh morbi vehicula egestas est eu interdum pellentesque adipiscing ligula quam ut accumsan dolor luctus id donec mattis lacus quis nisl placerat eu vulputate arcu lacinia in eros purus ultrices imperdiet magna in interdum hendrerit lectus aliquam ligula sem sagittis a enim eget congue porttitor elit quisque tincidunt lacus massa ac vestibulum magna volutpat nec sed dignissim tortor id pulvinar lacinia nunc venenatis diam enim sed sollicitudin sapien cursus sed curabitur nec arcu in nunc aliquet lacinia eu sit amet tellus nullam eu faucibus elit quis suscipit nibh proin pulvinar eros dictum diam semper quis eleifend nibh interdum class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos donec odio enim mollis sit amet neque sit amet condimentum suscipit metus sed vel sagittis lacus eget auctor quam pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed arcu mauris suscipit eget condimentum pretium lobortis vitae quam fusce vehicula diam vel tellus cursus vulputate donec malesuada est et mi facilisis at molestie ligula accumsan nunc sed felis tincidunt bibendum orci non facilisis libero nulla nec consequat magna at dictum ligula morbi adipiscing semper ultrices nullam porta semper sollicitudin suspendisse vel magna augue nulla rutrum libero sed leo laoreet elementum quisque dignissim urna vitae nunc pharetra eu feugiat tortor gravida etiam rhoncus urna id tempor commodo urna lectus suscipit justo non pellentesque nisl erat sed nibh vivamus eget arcu dapibus dapibus est ultrices mollis dui donec placerat viverra lorem sit amet porttitor ut eget pretium nulla cras interdum lorem dictum auctor adipiscing donec ac feugiat ant vivamus condimentum dui cursus velit aliquet quis elementum erat faucibus sed cursus nunc et eleifend ultrices mauris felis felis euismod nec tincidunt sit amet rutrum ut lacus donec non sem vel dolor amcorper hendrerit curabitur justo ipsum gravida in tristique eget ullamcorper sed nunc phasellus placerat nunc eu ante faucibus facilisis pharetra libero mattis vestibulum posuere turpis nec tempus ornare morbi et eros lacus vestibulum vulputate nunc nec accumsan interdum mauris eu accumsan felis aenean malesuada felis at dolor semper nec venenatis nunc pretium nam at eleifend mi ut sagittis odio id dolor bibendum vehicula vestibulum metus tempus duis elementum nunc eu venenatis vehicula nulla viverra purus ac libero ultricies sed eleifend magna accumsan integer accumsan posuere cursus

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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2014, 06:21:46 pm »
guys stop hating on vebb
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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2014, 10:50:16 pm »
Looks like your SIDS is acting up

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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2014, 10:57:21 pm »
Vebb has been banned 9 times in the last year, and 6 of those bans were in 2014 alone.  Looks like he's trying to get an essay ban.

why was my thread taken down im honestly gonna guess that it was by the 1 and only san of the chaos admin cult but seriously i was expressing my concern with the admin san of chaos for being the only admin to ever ban and and at that he has banned me 3 times 1 of them for thing others admins had no problem with the name Kfriend_Knight i played this character for 3 days and managed to get a 4;1 kd ratio with sans easymode build im sorry if that has offended you san but get ur Epeen off me personal problems shouldnt intefier with administration ever

San 1 of those votes got to 49% the other 45% and the last 35% once i realized he wasent getting kicked i stopped 3 polls isnt spamming considering he was legitamently trolling and nudged me during battle im sorry im not a little nerd my old friend pussy who immedietly reported shit like that honetly if you got to know me you would understand im not a troll i have fun with people i can tolerate other and try to rid the scum its too bad your all cought up in murdertrons claims and i defintly didnt teamwound this is an unbacked ban considering i wasent spamming polls i polled 3 times and 2 were less than 5% from going through afer the percent dipped i stopped knowing that from there on i would be spamming consider than an unban request thanks!

sans a shit admin who dosent like me because of a charachter name i had names kfriend_Knight san is black if you didnt know i feel he is administrating me unfairly and is shit at this game crutching his build and furthermore looms. I feel he is administrating me unfairly cause he is always on top of me for everything and is always banhappy trying to get me and is the only admin to ever ban me he is a shitlord bundle of sticks and abd at the game. he probably has social issues or other real life issues and feels good cause hes taking out a "racist" when i feel there is nothing wrong with black people he only feels this because of presumtions made of a name i had a long time ago. thanks

I am not so sure putting ourselves in the position of having to read an essay this guy writes is such a good idea...

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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2014, 12:30:11 am »

I am not so sure putting ourselves in the position of having to read an essay this guy writes is such a good idea...

Pls, he'll get James to write it.
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Re: why did my post get taken down?
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2014, 08:11:22 pm »
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I wouldve replied with tl;dr but I actually ended up reading it all  :)
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i'll be there at around