Author Topic: 1h Cav  (Read 918 times)

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Re: 1h Cav
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2014, 11:09:46 am »
Longsword is longer and deal more damage than the ACS, and it's arguably a better choice when you get dismounted too. However, you do sacrifice the shield for it, and as cavalry the shield is very important. Don't get me started on morningstar, if you want to hit unaware enemies or charge into mass melee with heavy horse and heavy armour that weapon is a true beast.

Still, I think 1h cav is better as ranged is less of a threat.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: 1h Cav
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2014, 12:18:34 pm »
I stopped reading there. This thread can't go anywhere good :lol:

What I meant by that is that we - who had a high level 24/15 build and there were lots of us - can't play heavy cav anymore without respecing and wasting tens of millions of xp. The class itself is still as strong as ever against anything but ranged.

Thank you for the numbers San. I'll now start using my +3 HBS on horseback instead of ACS as it clearly is a better choice.

Offline Simon_Templar

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Re: 1h Cav
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2014, 12:23:46 pm »
just remove the penalty of crossbow man and archers. And then give archers melee abilities as well because this guys where strong to draw they re bows. So this mod is sometimes totally nonsense. Another thing is give Arbalest the ability to shoot  through wooden shields. another thing is 40 meters distance would be deadly with Arbalest. so wooden shields would still protect you. but not in close range. remove the fucking weapon master on crossbow as well because in medieval times every idiot could fire a crossbow. Make longsword 1 slot again. so that archers have a weapon as well what they can use and not only this stupid little one handers. And it would be more reallistic as well again. So before thinking about nerfing something you should think about buffing all the other shit. And then the horses who required 5 riding would have been no problem for you. But you have no nice ideas and weak minded as well. And thats why why have to nerf cav all the time and not because its OP. It has his fixed place in old medieval world. And this is no kindergarden Counterstrike. (Steel shield would have been the only thing what helps against a Arbalest.) And nothing else from close distance. Removeing the big requierment what you need to shoot with a crossbow in our mod here would give them melee abilities as well. and the cry for 1 hand cav would stop. And a thinking of buffing ironflesh would start. so that more shielders would need to use ironfleh. beause most of them are only useing weaponmaster now because of the new turded weaponmaster system. and dont need ironflesh at all.

Another thing is. give people while  a runing strategus round the ability of an full respec. For Free!!!!!. Last Strat round i had to retiere 4 fucking times only because you little children with your whining want nerfs all the time but then you should give me a free respec at least. That what i call an asshole move. So you should not wonder mister because no one likes mercs "".""

PAPA has spoken. fools. so i drink now some alcohol i cant take this bullshit and you guys.[youtube][/youtube]

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Re: 1h Cav
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2014, 03:56:39 pm »
Longsword is longer and deal more damage than the ACS, and it's arguably a better choice when you get dismounted too. However, you do sacrifice the shield for it, and as cavalry the shield is very important. Don't get me started on morningstar, if you want to hit unaware enemies or charge into mass melee with heavy horse and heavy armour that weapon is a true beast.

Still, I think 1h cav is better as ranged is less of a threat.
morningstar is very short and is a bit hard to hit anything witchout bump
but when you hit someone with it.... ahhh that sound
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 04:34:09 pm by Rebelyell »
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