Author Topic: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks  (Read 2063 times)

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Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2014, 03:56:44 pm »
Whatever the gameplay pros and cons the nudge functionality is one of the most utterly unrealistic things in crpg.

You bump a guy with your forearm and he goes 20 feet back? John Woo type nonsense. You bang your arm into a guys shield and hes stunned? Good grief.

When will they introduce the martial arts move perfected by my culture and social class - "breeze blowing almond from tree". Otherwise known as "drop the nut".

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Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2014, 04:02:46 pm »
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Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2014, 04:13:44 pm »
Whatever the gameplay pros and cons the nudge functionality is one of the most utterly unrealistic things in crpg.
cRPG != realism

You have Batman & Robin
You have Tic & Tac
You have Brenda & Brendon
You have Sacha & Pikachu

cRPG is everything, but for sure 8-) not a realistic game

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Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2014, 04:34:10 pm »
I might have to actually agree with corsair. To benefit from the block interruption one needs a teammate attacking the same person, therefore literally the only purpose nudge block interruptions serve is making ganking easier. Fighting a gank is more difficult than it has ever been because of very high average blocking skill. Nudges that interrupt blocks only turn the game into more of a number's game than it already has become.

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Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2014, 05:03:04 pm »
crpg is not realistic.

However its a sliding scale. While coming back to life is the most glaring silliness we draw the line at any magic, axes the size of warhammer weapons, being able to do flying moves, flaming weapons etc.

To say realism is an invalid argument is an invalid argument. Realism is a factor to be considered along with gameplay etc. Not the sole decider but not utterly irelevant as you suggest.

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Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2014, 05:13:09 pm »
I'm okay with nudges interrupting blocks. You simply trade away your own ability to block and attack to deny the same thing from your target, fail at this and he might get a free hit on you. Succeed and on 1v1 you win "nothing" (character collision is fucked during the nudges, so you might be able to walk through your enemy and hit him in the back etc, and they may panic and fail their block because of the nudge).

But IMO reduce the block-nudge's (all melee weapons that have one) knockback (or risk, by increasing the nudge duration). Nothing more frustrating than chasing an archer, he pull out his sickle, blocks once, slaps you in the face with his left had, you fly 15 meters backwards and get shot in the face. = ultimate(ultilame) kiting tactics  :lol: Probably not what it was meant to be used for in the first place since it encourages running instead of increasing the "depth" of melee combat :rolleyes:             

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Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2014, 05:14:45 pm »
I might have to actually agree with corsair. To benefit from the block interruption one needs a teammate attacking the same person, therefore literally the only purpose nudge block interruptions serve is making ganking easier. Fighting a gank is more difficult than it has ever been because of very high average blocking skill. Nudges that interrupt blocks only turn the game into more of a number's game than it already has become.

I feel I can't seriously express my views about nudges without saying that it seems they are much more popular in battle than in siege (like knockdown rolling), and I almost never play battle nowadays. That disclaimer aside, to me nudges are too slow and too limited in reach to be usable reliably even in ganks. I'm not saying they are too slow and too short in general, I think they are fine where they are now. The point is that in their current state they are useful only against total turtles, and in my opinion that is good.

Going a little bit off-topic, I think the best way to solve the ganking problem is to reduce the average number of hits to kill by increasing melee damage. Trying to make blocking more difficult is extremely hard to get right for the devs and almost inevitably leads to more uncounterable exploits being created and abused. Even if you consider the finale in Panos' duel tournament (hence representative of the top cream of cRPG players), the only reason it was long is because both participants could only chip away 1/8 of each other's health per hit. In every duel, the first hit usually happened less than 4 seconds in, which is reasonable. If we did our duels with very little armor like Native guys do, cRPG duels would not be longer than Native duels. If anything, they would be shorter. Changing the mod in the other direction by increasing the importance of stats (I can survive more hits than my opponent) and decreasing the importance of skill (getting hits in becoming easier) is wrong on all levels with respect to what Warband and cRPG stand for.

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Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2014, 08:02:18 pm »
I might have to actually agree with corsair. To benefit from the block interruption one needs a teammate attacking the same person, therefore literally the only purpose nudge block interruptions serve is making ganking easier. Fighting a gank is more difficult than it has ever been because of very high average blocking skill. Nudges that interrupt blocks only turn the game into more of a number's game than it already has become.

good man, this man

he gets what im saying, 2v1, shielders just get slaughtered by anyone half decent who knows how to nudge

That disclaimer aside, to me nudges are too slow and too limited in reach to be usable reliably even in ganks. I'm not saying they are too slow and too short in general, I think they are fine where they are now. The point is that in their current state they are useful only against total turtles, and in my opinion that is good.

you probably just suck, take a shield or a polearm and nudge, and the shielder you're fighting against is simply dead; the polearm nudge disables a shielder's block for an absolutely inordinate amount of time
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 08:11:36 pm by Corsair831 »
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