Hmm, I had an idea that would reward the entire team by having a total xp reward at the end of each round. The points of the entire team will be added onto eachother, this total amount of points will reward the entire team with an x amount of xp/point.
Seeing as the amount of points on battle in a 25 vs 25 (a decent average number of players I think?) is about 300(? - im not sure) per team (Note that this is for one round, not an entire map). And a round will take on average 3.5 minutes which is a base xp value (no gen bonus)as it is now of 3000xp (1k/min, I think?).
Each point could reward for 10 xp, making those points total at 3000 xp.
But that is just the base xp everyone will get, the kills you make as an effective player should also be rewarded. Lets say 150xp per kill added on top of the base xp value of 3000xp. I reckon a reasonably good player would rack 5 kills on an average round, he would total at 3750 xp earned for that round.
Ofcourse numbers here are just used as an example, I think only testing it would allow you to fine tune a new xp system. For example, the round of those 25 vs 25 could go real quick making the average xp earned per hour of play drasticly rise as to compared to how it is atm.
Imo stakes and siege shields should be an item supplied in-game, in limited number. Say 6 SS per team and 6 stakes. But then youll have abusers who ninja the SS and stakes. Though some kind of Siege Commander vote could fix this, this commander will assign 2 more siege troops these three will all receive 2SS and 2stakes in their inventory and they dont have weight.
The voting should be a forced nomination vote at the start of the round, evryone can only vote once here, on 1 person. The top three voted on players in your team will be force voted again one after the other. with their names announced in team chat by the server before the vote, so you know who the contestants are. Everyone will be able to vote on every contestent yes/no. The one with the highest amount of votes will win the siege commander position, and assign two more aids.
Yes clan stacking will result in them having the siege equipment but you fuckwits should follow a clan anyways for insta-victory.
I would like to see them come with a lower penalty to them but if we make them 2 per item as you suggested and seeing as c-rpg is they will be spammed like crazy. In any way that makes them more accesible will result in them being spammed.
Or do it like this
Make them loomeable and if you loom them up for each level youll get an additional ammo count, so at +1 youll have 2, +2 you'll have 3 and here is the qlimax, at +3 they'll be a bit more dureable