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Re: cav players
« Reply #45 on: May 08, 2014, 09:06:06 pm »
There you go:

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Re: cav players
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2014, 06:17:50 pm »
It's all about the resurrection of the Heavy Lance. You can actually use it's entire reach now, which allows you to comfortably take on opponents with 2h up to 120 reach and polearm up to 150 if you got your timing down. Which means that you can take on most melee players from the front, you can even challenge players with longer weapons if you use a bit of trickery. Now charging aware people is tricky and risky, but few things are as satisfying as seeing a 2h hero turn towards you eagerly, only for you to firmly plant your Heavy Lance in his face. All those shorter polearms that can rear now are largely irrelevant as long as you carefully plan your attack and escape, you can outreach all of them.

I play with a Destrier and I am finding it hugely enjoyable and it is easily capable of getting me to the top of the scoreboard. I spend a lot of my time punishing cav scrubs that rush the spawn or crutch on heavy horses and it is very satisfying and I am getting loads of points.

Yeah that is a good description of Heavy Lance playstyle. I still prefer regular Lance, even before Heavy got all its nerfs. You can do most of what you mentioned unless the enemy is a very skilled/lucky lancer or greatsworder/hoplite, but what I really like is the faster wind-up of the Lance. You can do a good bit more damage in cav gridlock, or with barely any momentum in the middle of clusterfucks, killstealing into crowds like a pikeman. The slow, long release of a Heavy is pretty much ideal for head on encounters where you control the speeds, but in tight quarters its always been a let down, making pike wiggles necessary.

Of course I usually have a HBS on my back anyway, when you want to trample and grief a big brawl, a swinging weapon can't be beat. But all the lances are way more accurate and easier to land hits from a variety of angles than any swinging weapon.

All of these shit posts about OP swinging arcs, you realize the horse has to be right next or on top of you to use any of that to begin with. All you have to do is backpedal and stab or slash the horse's legs and you can basically one shot it with any weapon. Or move in front of the horse and take no bump damage while avoiding a swing if you can't just sidestep. You can't sidestep or avoid an aimed lance only downblock it, which archers understand but almost all infantry players don't. The amount of backwards jumping right swinging shielders that you can kill as lance cav is always fucking hilarious.

tl;dr Buff Cav
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