Well, I spoke with Sittingbull and looked through the logs.
I'm giving 14 hours to Chief_SittingBull_Astralis. 12 hours for team killing, and 2 additional hours for chat abuse / harassment.
What the logs did reveal, however, were quite incriminating against Donkey_Thrower himself.
[21:50:03] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,I bet you are a friend too
[21:53:12] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,chief only whites can donkey throw, you're not invited
[21:53:36] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,donkey throwing is only for the pure races... white people
[21:54:31] chat,,Chief_SittingBull_Astralis,all,Maybe if there was an ounce ofa push on the damn team
[21:54:31] kill,Hospitaller_Nichols,BongLoader_MB,melee,Masterwork Elite Scimitar,hb_forearm_l
[21:54:41] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,all,maybe if you weren't a person of color
[21:54:42] chat,,Shadow_Von_Ritterkreuzen,team,sry
[21:54:43] kill,BongLoader_MB,HOLIDAY_SUPREME_OCTOPUS_SQUD,melee,Masterwork Elite Scimitar,hb_thigh_r
[21:54:43] kill,LL_Slim,CONQUEEFADOR_Astralis,melee,Masterwork Long Espada Eslavona,hb_upperarm_l
[21:54:45] kill,CONQUEEFADOR_Astralis,Chevalier_Bonsai,melee,Masterwork Awlpike,hb_upperarm_l
[21:54:46] chat,,Chief_SittingBull_Astralis,all,Half of us go up to that first building the other half go and commune with the trees somewhere
[21:54:48] connect,Forest_Troll,,41947,regular,81,Forest_Troll
[21:54:49] kill,Kelden_Astralis,Jenna_Maize_of_CornHub_AoW,melee,Great Long Bardiche,hb_forearm_r
[21:54:52] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,all,pls cry more chief
[22:22:06] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,chief. I know its hard to accept you can't be a donkey rider
[22:22:09] chat,,Scab,all,that range
[22:22:10] chat,,Chief_SittingBull_Astralis,team,What the fuck does razz even mean man
[22:22:10] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,its just the way you were born
[22:22:17] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,its a white thing
[22:22:19] chat,,Voso_of_Hueys_Cavalieres,team,its like a razzberry
[22:22:21] kill,Arthenon_BGLDIF,Radio,melee,Katana,hb_abdomen
[22:22:22] chat,,Voso_of_Hueys_Cavalieres,team,right?
[22:22:23] kill,Gigglebyte,Enguerrand_VII_de_Coucy_TKoV,melee,Masterwork Danish Greatsword,hb_upperarm_l
[22:22:23] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,you wouldn't understand
[22:22:26] chat,,SuperDink_Wesley_AoW,team,thats gay
[22:22:30] chat,,Chief_SittingBull_Astralis,team,Sounds like you smoke too many opiates you low life fucker
[22:22:32] chat,,Voso_of_Hueys_Cavalieres,team,like a razzberry smoothie
[22:22:40] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,no thats a black people thing
[22:23:12] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,just stay away from my donkey chief
[22:23:16] chat,,Chief_SittingBull_Astralis,all,Voso the big MO update was today
[22:23:19] chat,,Donkey_Thrower,team,he gets nervous around the darker races
12 hour ban to Donkey_Thrower for chat abuse / racism / harassment. I normally don't give bans for offensive language / behavior, but in this instance it seems pretty well called for.