It's pretty much impossible to understand what's going on here from screenshots, but I'm fairly certain both of you are intentionally teamwounding.
The second one is end round, I TW'd you yes, but I killed a guy immediatly after so it was clearly a matter of you just getting in my way.
This doesn't sound right to me. Either it was end of round (it wasn't, though), or you were being careless.
For clarification, end round TK'ing is okay so long as two conditions are met:
- The round is literally ("literally" in a literal sense, here) over- the flag is up or the last player on one team is killed, valor is sorted out, etc.
- The player you're teamkilling is your friend and okay with it
you trying to get me band constantly with ur goons
Goretooth, I see you also have a ban history though, and I don't believe you're innocent here either.
I talked briefly with Hungry about the 5 hour ban you received a few weeks ago.
Taking that situation into account, I can understand you'd be irritated by Noodles and teamkill him in return.
That's not the way to go about it.
It seems you're both leaving out the little details where you teamwounded the other person.
I'll take the five hour ban time Goretooth received a few weeks ago and double it.
If you have been banned by me, this is how I typically administer them:
If you've been banned once for a similar offense -say you were banned for teamkilling the first time around- in the past 30 days, I'll look at the amount of time you were banned for, and double it.
If you were banned twice or more for a similar offense in the past 30 days, instead of 2x the ban time, I'll usually 2.5x it. Of course, the extent/severity of what you were/are being banned for factors.
I'll also pass the ten hour ban to Noodles. I'll make sure to increase the severity if this harassment from either of you continues.
Lets quit it before we get in deeper.
Edit:Noodles' ban was reversed.
Certain conditions were made very clear so we can be sure this drama doesn't go any further.
Any intentional provocation between the two of you, whether that be chat trolling or TW'ing/TK'ing will be punished
Goretooth's ban still stands as a full majority of admins believe the headshot in spawn was intentional.