Author Topic: North Murrican Clan League thread  (Read 12295 times)

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Offline LordLargos

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Re: North Murrican Clan League thread
« Reply #105 on: May 30, 2014, 05:58:24 am »
I think the only way to really get people to show up is to have team captains coordinate with each other and schedule their matches on their own. Having pre-determined times probably isn't the best when you have to get so many people online at once. The Eu duel tournament worked out nicely since you had nearly and entire week to work out your duel time. I think it should be left up to the team captains to talk amongst their members and then talk to the opposing team's captain.
Captains are definitely necessary because as long as someone tells me the day before or sends me a steam message I will likely show up.
Well, this doesn't look good for you. Four team kills - definitely intentional, Appeared to be afk more than once in the video.Also kicking people off of walls is grieving! don't do it.... but ill let you off with a warning this time, only because I don't like largos anyway.