1. Name of your character involvedPorthos_Woodstock
2. Name of offending character(s)Frugle (leecher),
Kragono (gateopener)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possibleEU2, nearly two hours ago
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. The 1st guy, Frugle is just being a basic leecher, who is leeching all the map through. I warned him, I made a [failed] kick poll, but then he continued to leech - so here is my request. The second guy was just a gate opener. I dont know why he did that, but he opened the gate and then was killed by an enemie and immediately quit from the server.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*No idea. Better ask them.
6. Multiple ScreenshotsFrugle1. Leeching naked w/o weapon at the spawn:
Warning him:
No response:
Poll against him (and yes, i've made an announce before the poll, where I stated the reason clearly, u can check the logs):
Poll result:
Immediately after the poll he is'nt naked anymore (yet he is still got no weapon):
No resistance (afk it seems)
Round 3, new spawn, new leech (he is no more afk, but he is just running around the man at ballista with no weapon again)
KragonoJust opened the front gate, when we were defending bd's:
Round lost in a minute:
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**I don't know, it seems like people don't give a shit about people being leech (I think that's why my poll was failed), it is not the first time I notice that people being tolerate to the leeching dudes. As for gateopener, i d k, but somebody surely should have witnessed it.