As we all know, there is no disadvantage to be a big clan. More players -> bigger bannerstack -> more strategus money and tickets -> better gear etc.
1. Make bigger clans' army upkeep cost higher. If there are two clans, clan A has 300 members and clan B has 30, the upkeep cost for 200 tickets army is higher for clan A.
Why: This feature would give a small balance between big ones and small ones in economy. There are tons of silver in strategus and most of them are in the hands of big ones'. When upkeep cost is same for all clans, bigger ones benefit mostly.
Effect: Small clans could compete better in strategus if they are active. Also this would help new (small) clans in strategus when their upkeep cost is lower. This also encourages new clans join in strategus.
2. Make bigger clans' S&D grow slower in fiefs and castles.
Why: Bigger clans have +20 fiefs/castles, this forms so huge area in strategus map that they can trade goods inside their homeborders with good bonuses, without any risk random army will attack.
Effect: Bigger clans would have to look more incomes in order to keep their massive armies equipped. When big clans can't do trading inside their homeborders as efficiently as now, they will expose themselves for possible attacks. When big ones need more money in maintenance, successful robbery would be a huge reward for small clans. This would balance economy too.
3. Not sure if i like this one either but still... No more strategus silver and tickets from siege server
Why: Siege server is pretty arcade. Many players join in there and start to level up character. If you die, you'll wait 5/20 secs and then respawn whereas in battle server respawn time can be +3mins. This makes playing in siege server more casually. However, when UIF members are active strategus players, most of them are +33 lvl and bannerstacked in same side. This form two teams, team 1: high level ones vs team 2: random players plus those who are leveling up characters. No wonder siege server is so unbalanced.
Effect: If UIF members want to grind tickets and silver, they would have to join battle server. Then, i'm sure, number of players will drop in siege server. Probably temporary but siege server gameplay would be more balanced. Also, a bit easier place to play for low levels.
4. Kill the strategus now
Because we don't give a fuck about it anyway (EU)
There will be 15 players in battle server and 6 players in siege during prime time. Strategus was the only one which kept mod alive, and that removed killed the whole mod when players got bored to play without purpose.
I really don't like this one because i enjoy playing the mod and want to keep it alive as long as possible. This is a great game after all!
Spliting up a big clan to clan1, clan2, clan3... of course would make these changes worthless but then in strategus map logistic is hindered a bit. All transfers must be allowed first before if players were in different clans. Clan1 members couldn't see where Clan2 and Clan3 members are in strategus map. Then bannerstack would be smaller in siege and battle servers.
I'm sure i missed some points there and i know with these changes strategus wouldn't be perfect but i believe a bit better. By better i mean balanced. Balanced mod is more enjoyable, more enjoyable makes mod more active one, which gives more lifetime to mod.
Share your opinions and thoughts please.