(Fyi this is NOT a "'loom-nerf whine" thread!)
The idea of heirlooms is awesome imo and really adds "rpg-ness" to the mod, but as of now, they feel very blunt.
Currently, equipment goes from standard-->better-->even better-->best, as small reward for spending time leveling up your char. Fair deal, but there's so much more potential here.
My suggestion is to rework heirlooms from "upgrade points" to "customization points", atleast for weapons (maybe with this suggestion, there won't be any need to have 'loom for anything but weps).
You should still only be able to heirloom your weapon three times, and aquiring points would work the same as now (ofc a reset would be needed!)
Each weapon would, instead of an upgrade, have a number of heirloom options available to them; take this "sword" for example:
This sword could be heirloomed into:
Heavy Sword (+1 swing dmg, -1 speed, +20% weight)
Light Sword (+1 speed, -1 swing dmg, -20% weight)
Short Sword (-5 length. +2 thrust dmg)
Long Sword (+5 length, -2 thrust dmg)
Razor-edged sword (-3 speed, -5 swing dmg, -10 thrust dmg, dmg type of swing is now pierce)
Laz0r-edged sword (trololo)
Hardened sword (+1 dmg (both), takes up 2 heirloom slots)
Mastercraft Sword (+1 speed, takes up 2 heirloom slots)
Shabby sword (-1 dmg (both), takes up no heirloom slots)
Blue Sword (Gives a blue tint to the blade)
...And etc.
(You can ofc have two "opposing" heirlooms, for lolskiez)
I think this would add to the "personalization" factor of heirlooming, and would increase character customization (always a good thing imo).