Everyone is welcome to join this strat faction. I will try to make a flexible strat faction with as many people in the "leading"/" head positions" as possible. But to gain such a position would have to show some trust first. I will accept atleast smaller clans and all soloplayers. I dont care if you join for keeping your party safer or if you want to achive power or whatever. Same rules as in my last thread i dont care where you trade or where you are going to establish you "base". But i guess it would still be good to gather up somewhat close to each other tho. And the deals that are already made with a few other factions will not be broken! I have a TS channel for the strat factions battles/meetings etc.
And one faction can not have the majority in the Leadership! So yeah there are a few rules and not free to 100% to do whatever you want but 100% is quite impossible if your not completely alone or duoing. And if this faction get to Grow i will try to have a bit of "democracy" system for leading. Other benefits with the faction are that if your away for some reason there are people who will give a fair fight against your enemies by defending you party. Everyone leads their own battles IF he doesent ask anyone else to take control of the battle or whatever. Trading gear and reinforcing each other is easier as your in one faction. If the faction would grow somewhat big and fiefs would be a bit spread out it would benefit trading.
Alot of text but these are the pillars for this faction:
1. Strat only faction.
2. a bit more democratic deciding system.
3. Defence system for smaller clans/solo players. (even bigger clans could benefit of this.)
4. Your free to do whatever you want as long as you don't break agreed rules by the "council"!
5. Something fun and new.
NOTE: No one i allowed to touch another guys roster except if we know that guy is away or if he gives permission to do it!
Contact me HERE!/Forums message me or contact me through CRPG message system by the name: Vaeringjar_MadMan_Jack